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by corellon
Wed May 06, 2020 7:19 pm
Forum: Blue Iris 5
Topic: Blue Iris not keeping proper time? and question on Motion and Alerts
Replies: 4
Views: 5911

Re: Blue Iris not keeping proper time? and question on Motion and Alerts

Thanks Mike, I've noticed something in that I have had it unchecked and then when I go back to the tab it's checked back off. Right now they all seem to be off and stay unchecked each time I go back to the settings so I'll monitor again. For sure if you change tabs without hitting "ok" it ...
by corellon
Wed May 06, 2020 7:01 pm
Forum: Blue Iris 5
Topic: Blue Iris not keeping proper time? and question on Motion and Alerts
Replies: 4
Views: 5911

Re: Blue Iris not keeping proper time? and question on Motion and Alerts

The issue is still occurring despite trying to adjust many things I could think of.

I have a 6 minute clip that has 10-15 second clips of motion combined together covering 9am to 2pm.

Is there anything I can be missing that would not cause it to create it's own clip each time?
by corellon
Sun Apr 26, 2020 4:43 am
Forum: Blue Iris 5
Topic: Blue Iris not keeping proper time? and question on Motion and Alerts
Replies: 4
Views: 5911

Blue Iris not keeping proper time? and question on Motion and Alerts

So I've been having a problem with Blue iris recently and trying to sort out what the cause might be. A little bit of a history on the setup (On the latest version of BI5 BTW): Right now I have 2 camera's connected, each camera has a Master feed that is being recorded 24/7 and a cloned feed that is ...