Search found 9 matches

by firebyrd1971
Mon Jul 27, 2020 7:02 pm
Forum: Blue Iris 5
Topic: Blue Iris Console Auto Open After Reboot
Replies: 3
Views: 7449

Re: Blue Iris Console Auto Open After Reboot

I am having the same issue as you. If the system restarts I get the annoying Blue Iris User logon screen. I have noticed it for awhile and I am unable to figure out why this changed or how to stop it. All I know is that it is very annoying.
by firebyrd1971
Mon Jul 27, 2020 6:34 pm
Forum: Network cameras
Topic: Trying to get 2nd NIC to work...
Replies: 18
Views: 34587

Re: Trying to get 2nd NIC to work...

I use two NICs on my system however, I use two different routers. One for internet to my PC and the other one just for my cameras.
by firebyrd1971
Mon Jul 27, 2020 6:17 pm
Forum: PC configuration
Topic: New Setup Q please help?
Replies: 2
Views: 7615

Re: New Setup Q please help?

I am interested in setting up a dedicated rig for a few IP cameras and a video doorbell (4 1080P total cameras for now) ranging from Amcrest to Wyze. I would be running Win10 64, BI5, HomeAssistant with some dockers for my home automation. Can someone please advise what to purchase for a decent sta...
by firebyrd1971
Thu Oct 31, 2019 12:50 pm
Forum: Network cameras
Topic: 2 way sound not working
Replies: 13
Views: 38488

Re: 2 way sound not working

I have been having the same issues with all my Amcrest cameras since BI5 came out, I submitted a ticket on Oct. 14th 2019 but still no response. So much for purchasing BI5 and upgrading my support , no response is not acceptable. I used BI4 for years without any issue then BI5 comes out and everythi...
by firebyrd1971
Thu Oct 31, 2019 12:31 pm
Forum: Blue Iris 5
Topic: Camera Grouping access
Replies: 1
Views: 6243

Re: Camera Grouping access

Are you using the UI3 or just a browser with the IP address? What Browser are you using?
by firebyrd1971
Fri Jun 21, 2019 5:03 pm
Forum: Blue Iris 5
Topic: BI-5 Upgrade
Replies: 13
Views: 39872

Re: BI-5 Upgrade

So in other words you are saying what roadhammer should have done was purchase a maintenance licence. Tap the Upgrade/renew on the BI 4 options page and enter the maintenance key. Then it would automatically upgrade to BI 5?
by firebyrd1971
Fri Jun 21, 2019 4:15 pm
Forum: Blue Iris 5
Topic: Group frame
Replies: 9
Views: 250962

Re: Group frame

I now have the ability to open groups into their own desktop frame, Thanks Ken. Now onto the next issue with group frame that opened in a new desktop. In the group frame when you right click on one of the cameras and select Auto-cycle camera group, it does not work. Instead it is cycling my camera c...
by firebyrd1971
Wed Jun 19, 2019 6:51 pm
Forum: Blue Iris 5
Topic: Group frame
Replies: 9
Views: 250962

Re: Group frame

What do you mean, the group frame? I want my selected group to open in a desktop frame because I use multiple monitors and I keep each group open on a different monitor. So in version 4 if you click as shown in the photo below it opens in a new desktop frame, I cannot find this option in version 5 ...
by firebyrd1971
Wed Jun 19, 2019 12:44 pm
Forum: Blue Iris 5
Topic: Group frame
Replies: 9
Views: 250962

Group frame

Is the group frame still available in Blue Iris version 5?

I cannot find it. I use this all the time in version 4 and I do not want to get version 5 if this is no linger available.