Search found 2 matches
- Fri Jan 21, 2022 2:16 am
- Forum: Blue Iris 5
- Topic: One duplicate camera disconnecting, the other still connected
- Replies: 3
- Views: 2062
Re: One duplicate camera disconnecting, the other still connected
Thanks for your advice. I had copied "Garage" and created "contGarage" but I haven't set one of them to "Clone Master". I'll try that and see what happens. To answer your other questions; it seems to happen with all the cameras that are copied and set to continuous... a...
- Thu Jan 20, 2022 11:01 pm
- Forum: Blue Iris 5
- Topic: One duplicate camera disconnecting, the other still connected
- Replies: 3
- Views: 2062
One duplicate camera disconnecting, the other still connected
Hi all, For each of my 10 Dahua cameras I want to continuously record as well as record any detected motion and store motion detection video in one location (NAS) and continuous video somewhere else (USB drive to avoid constant writes to my NAS). I've set this up by following some advice I found her...