Camera error codes

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Camera error codes

Post by varghesesa »


Similar to Status Log Errors, this file documents Camera connection errors.
We explain what they mean and how to resolve.

If you need help identifying the IP address of cameras and available ports, key information to connect cameras, see the Camera setup article after understanding the error code.

Find/Inspect Errors

symptoms to resolution_camera issues_find inspect.png
symptoms to resolution_camera issues_find inspect.png (46.31 KiB) Viewed 32346 times

12002 Timeout

The 12002 Timeout means BI cannot connect to your camera via the provided credentials in the IP Config Dialog.
  • Username
  • Password
  • IP Address
  • Ports (80, 554, 8999 are defaults unless specified otherwise)
Walk through the No Signal Error article. Pay attention to all sections starting with Networking.

Windows Socket errors

The 8000xxxx errors are Windows Socket errors. BI converts the value into hex. The first bit of the first byte is set to one so BI can treat the response as an error (8000). The second byte is the actual error code in hex. Thus 80002745 is the 2745 error (hex) = Socket error 10053

The list of Windows socket errors.

Connection failures
These errors are failures when trying to attempt a connection to a camera.

Error: 80002745
2745 = Socket error 10053.

Software caused connection abort.
An established connection was aborted by the software in your host computer, possibly due to a data transmission time-out or protocol error.

Error: 80002746 (Failed to connect) 0
2746 = Socket error 10054.

Connection reset by peer.
An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. This normally results if the peer application on the remote host is suddenly stopped, the host is rebooted, the host or remote network interface is disabled, or the remote host uses a hard close (see setsockopt for more information on the SO_LINGER option on the remote socket). This error may also result if a connection was broken due to keep-alive activity detecting a failure while one or more operations are in progress. Operations that were in progress fail with WSAENETRESET. Subsequent operations fail with WSAECONNRESET.

IP config dialog
Double check your advanced settings.
Maybe turn RTSP keep alives off? On by default.
Confirm RTSP back-channel is unselected.

Error: 8000274c (Failed to connect) 0
274C = Socket error 10060.

Connection timed out.
A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or the established connection failed because the connected host has failed to respond.

Possible remedies to connection failures.

Server settings
Double check the IP address and available ports on the camera.

Try toggling the Advanced connector settings on/off (IP Config dialog). Below are the default settings. I highlighted the selections that usually have an effect on connections. Help file has details.

camera errors_advanced settings.png
camera errors_advanced settings.png (23.2 KiB) Viewed 32278 times

Very possible there is a network issue. See Network tests to rule out hardware issues.

Remote testing
If you want us to test your camera, see Camera issues article for needed information.

Connection refused / rejected

Error: 8000274d (Failed to connect) 0

274D = Socket error 10061

Connection refused.
No connection could be made because the target computer actively refused it. This usually results from trying to connect to a service that is inactive on the foreign host—that is, one with no server application running.

This error basically means the camera or endpoint you are trying to communicate with does not exist based on your networking settings: IP address / Port / URI stream.

Scenario 1: Power outage: A power outage means the cameras and the router and the BI server restarted. The error implies the cameras were assigned new IP addresses by the router and thus BI can no longer talk to the cameras.

Networking is the responsibility of the user. The Network setup section of the Camera setup article talks a little bit about finding IP addresses for cameras on the network.

You can make the network setup more resilient so the next time this happens the cameras connect automatically.
  • Tell the router to assign all your cameras the same IP address.
  • Or, tell the cameras to always use the same IP address
Seek guidance from or consult with a networking expert for details.

Scenario 2: The RTSP port was not enabled.
I was able to solve the problem. For some reason, the RTSP port was unchecked.
camera errors_274D.png
camera errors_274D.png (19.88 KiB) Viewed 32935 times

Scenario 3: Wrong URI suffix.
Thanks for the reply. Turns out I forgot I had to use the URI suffix for the RTSP stream.
Another clue the URI was the issue came from the Find/Inspect dialog.
Opening port 80...
HTTP Get / request...
Failed with HTTP 12029
Opening port 8999...
ONVIF GetSystemDateAndTime
HTTP 12029
Checking for common cameras...
Foscam FI86xx/98xx compatible?
Foscam FI89xx compatible?
Foscam FI9821 V2 compatible?
Foscam FI9821 media port compatible?
Cantonk port 34567?
RTSP port open?
RTSP port detected!
Communication issues related to error 12002 and 12029 are usually related to a network block of some sort. Because the URI was incorrect, the resource being requested does not exist causing the error message.

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