Altert images to home assistant
Altert images to home assistant
I am using BI together with Deepstack to prevent false positives and its working good however i have all the logic for notifiations etc. in Home assistant and want to continue using that. Therefore i want BI on altert confirmed by deepstack to send the alert image with the deepstack classification info to Home assistant somehow, i am using MQTT to integrate BI and Home assistant but that only seems to be able to handle text. Does anyone here have a good suggestion on how to solve this?
Re: Altert images to home assistant
When I was doing this I set my alert image directory as a subdirectory of BI's www root.
That meant that all alert images could be accessed from BI's web service. That way you just need to pass the filename to HASS, prepend the hostname & path and can access the images that way.
That meant that all alert images could be accessed from BI's web service. That way you just need to pass the filename to HASS, prepend the hostname & path and can access the images that way.