Lean settings on V5

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Lean settings on V5

Post by macster2075 »

I am new to blue iris and need some help. I am on version 5 with the latest update from last night I believe.
I am running BI on an AMD FX-6300 (6 core cpu) and 8 gigs of ram.
I have 6 Wyze v3 rtsp cameras, but currently only using 4 with blue iris.

At this point, I am not interested in recording, motion detection or any type of alerts. What are the best settings based on my rig to run Blue Iris with the best quality and best performance?
Later on, when I get a better PC, I can enable recording and all the other bells and whistles...but not for now.

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Lean settings on V5

Post by TimG »


It's basically a matter of adding one camera at a time and seeing what it does to your cpu load. My main BI5 rig is using an old Intel i5-3330 cpu (No gpu hardware acceleration), but it does have 16GB of RAM (Although BI5 uses less than 1GB). This website compares your cpu to my i5, and it looks like my i5 is 11% faster https://cpu.userbenchmark.com/Compare/I ... /m10vs1555

Since my i5 is presently running 6 x 1080p cameras, a Neos cam (Sames as Wyze v2), and two SD cams at 15% cpu load, I don't think you will have a problem as the Wyze V3 is also 1080p. That server also runs TVMosaic, and Homeseer 2 for home phone de-spamming. No junk calls here 8-)

Does Wyze v3 give you sub streams ? I would guess not, but that is a real cpu saver. What resolution and fps are you running ? The lower the better for lean, and you don't need more than 10 fps for cctv. And do let us know your cpu load with the four V3's running. I don't think you will need to spend much time making BI5 lean if you are only planning on running six cameras max. BI5 is NVR software though, so will you be recording at some stage ? It seems a waste not to as you could have probably viewed them with free software.
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Re: Lean settings on V5

Post by macster2075 »

I have the v3 running and if I don't enable the web server, the cpu is at high 20s. I was using Tinycam before, but because I have to run it in a virtual machine the amount of cpu and ram I can set is capped, so it didn't run the 4 cameras very smooth.. 2 of them would be ok, but not 4+. I have used iSpy as well, but I need the web server option which I like in blue iris. TinyCam pro web server sucks big time...way too laggy.

With the web server enabled in blue iris and watching 2 cameras in another room via the browser, the cpu hovers at mid 50s.
Wyze does not have a sub stream and they do not allow to adjust the FPS.

One issue I am seeing is that in blue iris the fps changes to 30 fps on its own and I can't tell why that is...it's weird because Wyze cams v3 have a max fps of 20, so I don't know why Blue iris is changing them to 30.
So I have to keep manually changing all 4 of them from time to time back down to 20.
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Re: Lean settings on V5

Post by TimG »

Zoiks !

So the answer for lean running on an older cpu is more expensive cameras with substreams and adjustable fps. Not the answer you want to hear.
I don't think BI5 can alter the fps of a camera unless it's talking Onvif, so that could be an indication error.
Hmm Onvif, I can't remember if I saw that in the Neos hacked firmware. I'm wondering if there is a forum for the V3 firmware where you can ask about fps and Onvif.
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Re: Lean settings on V5

Post by TimG »

I've just checked the camera settings for the Neos camera, and it is running "Dafang Wyzecam V2" firmware, and it does have adjustments for fps and even Bitrate and VBR/CBR in Settings/ Camera/ Video/ Format. Take a good long look through those V3 settings :idea:
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