Testing Trigger with Required AI Object

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Testing Trigger with Required AI Object

Post by Judman13 »


I am trying some funky PTZ stuff. I have a 2.8mm fixed cam mounted nice a high and I want to use zones to trigger a PTZ to zoom in on certain areas based on objects detected. I have zones A and B configured in the motion settings and it's almost a 50/50 split. I then set up the immediate actions so when a person is in either zone the PTZ cam would move to that zone. However, when I go to test the trigger and put in the required AI object it fails. If I take the AI object out, then the test function works. I haven't gotten to walk testing just yet.

Here is the action configuration. Zone A, person, Move PTZ to preset.

Test trigger. Zone A, person.

Result failed!

Any ideas?
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