I created several custom model that are for security cameras. I removed objects that are not needed for security cameras and added some additional animals. Also there is a license plate model to use with a LPR camera. The models are still a work in progress. These models were all trained using yolov5s.pt. The accuracy of the models are equal to if not better then yolov5m.pt (Default DeepStack Model) along with faster.
link to a GitHub repository:
https://github.com/MikeLud/DeepStack-Se ... era-Models
Re: DeepStack-Security-Camera-Models
I'll be honest, I wish I knew how to use custom models. Is there a reference of some sort on installation and use?
- "Whenever I take something apart to fix it and put it back together again, I end up with like six really important looking pieces left over" -Tim Allen
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