Sporadic Movefile Error and Occasional going crazy

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Sporadic Movefile Error and Occasional going crazy

Post by mlody11 »

Hi, any ideas why I'm getting the following error in blue iris every so often? (this is a cross post from reddit)

MoveFile Error 2: e:\cont\Alleysouth-c.20220204_132959.avi

I'm recording to a local SSD and moving the files to a NAS. The BI service is running under a user account and I have monitor free space disabled. The files move just fine but every now an then BI goes crazy and decides not to move anymore files and fills up the "buffer drive." I'm assuming this is related.

I can access the NAS just fine with the user account. Also, I don't use age, I use space for the moving condition.

I also see a weird thing where BI creates 1KB files every so often when creating a recording.

I don't delete anything that BI creates until something like 3 am where I scrub all those 1KB files out of a directory but that error is created multiple times throughout the day.

I also use .avi and mp4 as the recording format because its kind of pain to export the BVR stuff in case I need to share the recordings.


Note: I know, SSD's life will be cut short by this, I don't really mind, its a cheap SSD.
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Re: Sporadic Movefile Error and Occasional going crazy

Post by YrbkMgr »

The following was posted in the Performance and Troubleshooting section of the forum and should help - Status Log Errors.
I also use .avi and mp4 as the recording format because its kind of pain to export the BVR stuff in case I need to share the recordings.
Fwiw, there's a few ways to export events of interest automatically instead of large MP4/AVI files taking up space for all clips.
BI Export 0.JPG
BI Export 0.JPG (209.67 KiB) Viewed 2978 times
Also, BI recommends using Clips & Archiving retention policy to manage storage since manually deleting or otherwise futzing with folders can make the database become wonky - ask me how I know.

Someone posted these recommendations...
1) Do not use time (limit clip age)to determine when BI video files are moved or deleted, only use space. Using time wastes disk space. 
2) If New and stored are on the same disk drive do not used stored, set the stored size to zero, set the new folder to delete, not move. All it does is waste CPU time and increase the number of disk writes. You can leave the stored folder on the drive just do not use it. 
3) Never allocate over 90% of the total disk drive to BI. 
4) if using continuous recording on the BI camera settings, record tab, set the combine and cut video to 1 hour or 3 GB. Really big files are difficult to transfer. 
5) it is recommend to NOT store video on an SSD (the C: drive). 
6) Do not run the disk defragmenter on the video storage disk drives. 
7) Do not run virus scanners on BI folders
8) an alternate way to allocate space on multiple drives is to assign different cameras to different drives, so there is no file movement between new and stored. 
Advanced storage:
If you are using a complete disk for large video file storage (BVR) continuous recording, I recommend formatting the disk, with a windows cluster size of 1024K (1 Megabyte). This is a increase from the 4K default. This will reduce the physical number of disk write, decrease the disk fragmentation, speed up access.
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Re: Sporadic Movefile Error and Occasional going crazy

Post by mlody11 »

Wow, thanks for the detailed response.

I went through the best practices part and made sure I'm doing that. I was using an NFS mount instead of the direct path so I changed that.

I didn't know about the alerts and the db, that was an interesting setting.

The amount of alerts is well below 100K, its at around 25K.

I can't let BI manage the storage because of my setup. I store old motion (1 month old) and continuous (1 day old) recordings on 2 raid0 ssds. This then gets moved over to a raid0 5 spindle hard drives. These 5 drives stay offline to save power most of the day except during sometime in the night when they spin up and a transfer happens from the SSD to the spindles. This saves power instead of BI having to keep the 5 disks spinning the whole day, wasting power (not insignificant, they take ~ 50-60 more watts when spinning). Shortly thereafter, the BI database rebuild takes place so it can correct all of the clips, never seemed to have a problem with this. I wouldn't need to do this if I could control when or how often BI checks for deletes/moves/etc. Is that possible?

The issue comes when, during the day, it tries to move files and after following the best practices, I still see it. That said, I changed it to directly record on the NAS so hopefully that will be simple enough.

As for the export, yes, I could do that, but I run this as a headless server and almost exclusively run the webui to see the cameras and export files. The export also takes power and time, something I completely avoid with large continuous recordings because most of them will never be exported. I don't mind the export with the small motion files and I still use BVR for those because the benefit is being able to watch the recording while it is being recorded, something I don't need with the large continuous recordings.
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Re: Sporadic Movefile Error and Occasional going crazy

Post by YrbkMgr »

I wouldn't need to do this if I could control when or how often BI checks for deletes/moves/etc. Is that possible?
Database maintenance is run automatically every 5 minutes by default. I'm not aware of how to change that - you can run it manually, but the service will do it automatically. The following is from the Onboarding section of this forum and may be useful in getting your arms around retention settings.
Storage & Recordings
After the cameras are setup, it makes sense to setup your Storage and Recordings. The Recording and Clips section in the Help file is a good start. Watch the Storage and Recordings webinar in our blue iris support YouTube channel in parallel. The webinar complements the Recording and Clips chapter in Help.

The Record Tab article/webinar then dives deep into all the settings in the Record tab. More importantly it goes under the covers to provide a deeper understanding of how the software works. With this foundational understanding, it becomes easier to relate to the many features and functionality available in the dialogs. The Record Tab article/webinar is the first of a 3-part series on the Trigger/Record/Alert tabs, a core function of any video management system (VMS).
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Re: Sporadic Movefile Error and Occasional going crazy

Post by IAmATeaf »

Error no 2 normally means no such file or directory, so does the file that it’s trying to process actually exist?
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Re: Sporadic Movefile Error and Occasional going crazy

Post by YrbkMgr »

IAmATeaf wrote: Sun Feb 06, 2022 3:15 pm Error no 2 normally means no such file or directory, so does the file that it’s trying to process actually exist?
Good catch there... usually happens when you manually move a file.
BI recommends using Clips & Archiving retention policy to manage storage since manually deleting or otherwise futzing with folders can make the database become wonky - ask me how I know.
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Re: Sporadic Movefile Error and Occasional going crazy

Post by mlody11 »

YrbkMgr wrote: Sun Feb 06, 2022 6:32 pm
IAmATeaf wrote: Sun Feb 06, 2022 3:15 pm Error no 2 normally means no such file or directory, so does the file that it’s trying to process actually exist?
Good catch there... usually happens when you manually move a file.
BI recommends using Clips & Archiving retention policy to manage storage since manually deleting or otherwise futzing with folders can make the database become wonky - ask me how I know.
I actually couldn't find the file. But, I also did not delete the file so that is a mystery nor did any script. I also suspected that maybe Windows Defender might have but that is also turned off for the process and folders. So... I'm puzzled.

All that said, when I switched it over to write directly to the NAS the issues went away... obviously so because BI is no longer in charge of moving the files. Anyway, I think my work around is to simply write directly to the NAS instead of local and then NAS. With a 10g network, the write disk being 2 raid0 SSDs, and me using NFS instead of SMB so authentication isn't an issue, BI doesn't seem to mind and working so far with it.
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Re: Sporadic Movefile Error and Occasional going crazy

Post by YrbkMgr »

I actually couldn't find the file.
It's a fait accompli, but I recently discovered a utility for finding files super fast. It's called Everything by VoidTools. I've been amazed - for me, it's a game changer. The documentation is fantastic - meticulously written. It can be run as a portable app. I'm a huge fan of portable apps so I don't have to mess with installations for utilities and such. I keep a butt load of apps on an old 1.5 TB WD Elements USB and can't recommend portable applications enough.
Portable Apps Menu 1.jpg
Portable Apps Menu 1.jpg (105.41 KiB) Viewed 2951 times
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