So, turns out the cameras where not stable, dropping out several more times and requiring reboot. So I went back to the standard firmware and so far so good.
Just incase some other poor sod is looking for the current release version firmware for the Reolink 410 and can't get the firmware from the Reolink website to load - you actually need to download the firmware for the 410W - the wireless version. I found that from another forum from a post last year ... another error from Reolink.
Reolink 410 Beta Firmware - Now Signal Drops From BI
Re: Reolink 410 Beta Firmware - Now Signal Drops From BI
Right on for posting back!
- "Whenever I take something apart to fix it and put it back together again, I end up with like six really important looking pieces left over" -Tim Allen
- If you know what your after, you'll recognize it when you see it.