& 11 - Overlays in Timeline

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Post by MikeBwca »

Has anyone else had this happen?

Starting with &

When viewing clips, or the Timeline, Overlays no longer appear.
- I have the Overlays option 'Add text/graphic overlay' enables in playback.
- In the Video tab 'Overlays', I have 'Require live display...' of the overlay unchecked. This will allow the option for showing the overlay during Playback/Export, even if not enabled in the Live view.

I reverted back to, and it works again.

I discovered this when exporting videos to send to BI Support for a different issue I found... 'Alert image not created' starting with This occurs seldom, and, under a specific set of circumstance, and does not effect the triggered alerts too much
BI must have implemented this. Don't know why - above my pay grade!
Since I discovered the Overlay during playback issue, I dropped it. Maybe it's related, or at least implemented at the same time. Best not to stir-the-pot too much!
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Re: & 11 - Overlays in Timeline

Post by YrbkMgr »

I'll tell ya Mike... I understand every word, but have no idea what you are talking about. First, with all of the update malarkey I haven't left Aside from that, you got a picture of what you're talking about? I'm curious.
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Re: & 11 - Overlays in Timeline

Post by MikeBwca »

I've opened a ticket with BI Support. The settings and issue is straight forward enough. I told them that if they want screenshots and a video, I can do that. It would be like taking a picture of a flat tire to describe the tire to an auto shop! Seems straight forward enough. We'll see.

I've also replicated this on my other Desktop and VM.
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Re: & 11 - Overlays in Timeline

Post by TimG »

I've just updated from to and my time/date overlays (created by BI5) are still there in the BI5 GUI and the UI3 GUI on video taken before and after the update. I agree with YrbkMgr, can you add a picture :?: Or will it just be an image with missing time and date :shock:

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Re: & 11 - Overlays in Timeline

Post by Anmorg96 »

Yeah, I’ve seen this happen too. BI updates sometimes fix one thing and break another—it’s frustrating. Reverting to was a good call since it’s clearly an issue with
You might want to reset the overlay settings to defaults and reconfigure them—sometimes updates mess with how those settings work. Also, check if overlays still work in Live View. If they do, the problem’s definitely with playback/export.
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