I've got a couple of groups of camera's, indoor and outdoor.
I'd like to take a single configuration template and use it across all of the camera's in that group. Record time, etc. Is that the cloning process when adding a new camera?
I've tried to use the profiles to me able to have settings shared, but clearly that's not the purpose of it.
Lastly, I have some camer'as that although they are in the group 0 and group 1, will only show up when in group 2? It seems like a bug but i'm not sure where to find open bugs to confirm if it's existing or new.
Insights anyone?
Cloing or Profiles
Re: Cloing or Profiles
That should work if the cameras are the same type. Change the IP address to match the next camera.I'd like to take a single configuration template and use it across all of the camera's in that group. Record time, etc. Is that the cloning process when adding a new camera?
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Problem ? Ask and we will try to assist, but please check the Help file.
Re: Cloing or Profiles
I use camera clones when I want to do some thing slightly different with the same view from the cam. So for example I have clones of my driveway cams, the main cam alerts in person or car on my driveway, the other records in the slightest movement. So the 2 cams have different motion detection settings.
Profiles I use when I want something to happen time based, so for example on a Saturday and Sunday during certain hours the cams looking over the garden are set not to alert as the washing will be out but they still record.
Profiles I use when I want something to happen time based, so for example on a Saturday and Sunday during certain hours the cams looking over the garden are set not to alert as the washing will be out but they still record.
Re: Cloing or Profiles
Thanks TimG and IAmATeaf.
So the clones work as expected.
For the profiles, they should be used primarily for time-based or situation-based (Alert, Trigger, etc)
Is there a reason or bug that when I put a camera as a member of group 1, that it should show up in group 2? It seems to be a bug
So the clones work as expected.
For the profiles, they should be used primarily for time-based or situation-based (Alert, Trigger, etc)
Is there a reason or bug that when I put a camera as a member of group 1, that it should show up in group 2? It seems to be a bug
Re: Cloing or Profiles
A quick update. For the profile group membership, it seems that the buttons may be reversed. When the are pressed, it means they are not a member. If the show raised or lighter color, then they are a member.
Re: Cloing or Profiles
I guess we could have figured it out faster with a screen grab
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Problem ? Ask and we will try to assist, but please check the Help file.