Issue with Multiple Alerts for Different AI Detected Objects

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Issue with Multiple Alerts for Different AI Detected Objects

Post by gcosta56 »


I am experiencing an issue with the alert system in Blue Iris where I don't receive multiple alerts for different objects detected in the same event. My setup includes AI integration with CodeProject.AI, and I have configured two separate alerts – one for 'person' detection and another for 'cat, dog' detection under the "Required AI objects" setting.

When a scenario occurs where both a human and a dog/cat are present and correctly identified by the AI, I only receive one of the two alerts – either for the human or the animal, but never both. The system seems to choose one alert arbitrarily.

I have checked the alert configuration but can't find a setting that would limit or prioritize one alert over the other. Is there a specific configuration that I might be missing that allows simultaneous or successive alerts for different objects detected in the same event?

In the AI options, I have put "person,cat,dog" in the "To confirm" zone.

Any advice or insights on this issue would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

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Re: Issue with Multiple Alerts for Different AI Detected Objects

Post by louyo »

you might want to try putting a non-existent item in the "to cancel" field. This forces examination of frames until your limit is reached. Not sure if BI raises more alerts. If that doesn't work, clone the camera for other alerts.

edit: Unicorn seems popular for a non-existent item. My granddaughter liked them.
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