Yellow Triangle

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Yellow Triangle

Post by jensie »

I've just started with blue iris but I'm encountering already some problems and don't know in which direction to move to get it sorted.

Attached you see 2 triangles, which I don't know what they mean nor how to sort them.

The 2nd one at the bottom of the page, when clicking, goes to the AI submenu of Blue Iris Status me.

Can someone please let me know how to sort this out ?

Please notice that I'm using a Unifi G5 pro camera by adding the RTSP feed.
Screenshot 2023-12-06 at 15.07.50.png
Screenshot 2023-12-06 at 15.07.50.png (84.18 KiB) Viewed 31197 times
Screenshot 2023-12-06 at 15.08.01.png
Screenshot 2023-12-06 at 15.08.01.png (10.62 KiB) Viewed 31198 times
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Re: Yellow Triangle

Post by TimG »

Hi, what does the Log show ? There will be clues there. Can you post the relevant bits here ?
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Re: Yellow Triangle

Post by IAmATeaf »

On the cam ie yellow triangle it could be due to your fps and iframe not equalling a ratio of 1 but as stated have a look in the logs and see if there are any clues there.
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Re: Yellow Triangle

Post by jensie »

There is nothing worth mentioning on the logs. That's the problem.
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Re: Yellow Triangle

Post by TimG »

OK, after rtfm, I agree that IAmATeaf might be on to something. Can you show us your Status/ Cameras screen ?

Mine looks like this, and we are looking for the 'key' setting. Mine is 1 for main stream and sub stream on all IP cameras:

Screenshot 2023-12-07 201148.png
Screenshot 2023-12-07 201148.png (29.25 KiB) Viewed 31078 times
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Re: Yellow Triangle

Post by Pogo »

Again with the 'correct' key frame interval nonesense... Stop it!

The interval/ratio can be whatever happens to be best suited to the desired performance of the camera for the given conditions -- both activity/stream quality and storage-wise -- as is available to be adjusted within the capabilities of a camera's configuration or the transmission medium itself as with OBS. That's why there ARE adjustments for optimizing the interval.

It does NOT need to be 1, or 2, or 30 or whatever number is used to define the ratio of P frames to I frames over a given period of time. The 'generally' accepted practice is 1 key frame every 1 or 2 seconds regardless of frame rate.

I'm unaware of any warnings/alerts in Blue Iris (or anywhere else for that matter) that indicate an 'incorrect' or 'mismatched' I-frame compared to anything other than possibly the inherent UI configuration parameters/restrictions of a camera's actual firmware itself and the resulting quality (good or bad) of the video stream and associated storage requirements for the configuration at hand. The references to keyframe issues in the status log seem to be indicating error conditions relative to decoding tolerances and not necessarily camera configurations -- at least as I read it. It certainly doesn't indicate a 'wrong' keyframe interval; just one it doesn't like or can't decode which is very unlikely to be something even possible in a camera's firmware (without a warning there) and more likely to be something in the file or otherwise mis-configured in Blue Iris itself in order to create such an anomaly. But I'll concede to that particular warning as at least being a valid point.

It could also be as simple as a 'warning' that your maintanemce and support plan has expired or that there is nothing to do at a particular storage management interval. The status logs will clearly specify such instances. In the case of the former, and with my particular release (, I have a permanent 'warning' at the lower right of my screen. (At least it's not a pop-up ad - yet!)

I hate to keep harping on this key frame thing, guys. Here's some reading which may be helpful in establishing a better understanding of the subject for anyone who may be interested. ... -interval/
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Re: Yellow Triangle

Post by TimG »

Hi Pogo,
I'm unaware of any warnings/alerts in Blue Iris (or anywhere else for that matter) that indicate an 'incorrect' or 'mismatched' I-frame
I had checked the Help file and found this before I posted:
Whenever the pre-trigger buffer is configured yet it contains no key frame, the yellow caution icon will be shown in the camera’s window. In this case, increase the key frame rate to at least 0.25 via direct camera browser configuration.
Due to that I advised the OP to check the values to see if that was his issue. It does go on to make it clear that the yellow triangle is a caution rather than an error.

I think you need a chat with Ken to sort this out. The yellow warnings appear to be for other issues too, so the full text Log (Not the normal Log) is the place to check to see what is being highlighted.
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Re: Yellow Triangle

Post by Pogo »

Good morning (afternoon?), Tim.

So am I being referred to the prinicpal's office for a 'good talking to'? LOL

First let me convey that I don't mean to seem contentious or combative. Apologies if it appears that way. Clarification and useful assistance within my rather limited BI experience and capabilities is the intent.

Regarding the pre-record I frame setting issue; I appreciate the point, but it's apples and oranges to what I was attempting to convey and is actually contradictory to the initial position that the I-frame should be set at any certain value -- just not one that Blue Iris doesn't like and is beyond the operational parameters of the software. I get it. And that's a whole different discussion.

But what I don't get is "increase the key frame rate to at least 0.25". Compared to what? I'm pretty sure I know what is meant, but there's no context beyond making the alert traingle go away and makes no sense otherwise as presented.

Anyway, my main point was to again convey clarification to the I-frame subject in general as it seems to be tossed around here quite a bit in what many would consider a less than accurate fashion -- especially for new folks who are just getting their feet wet..., with their second post being, "What's an I-frame?".

And the alert triangle will be present in the status log window when it is activated for whatever can be any number of reasons.

That was my second point.

The third was not as direct, but I hope you take the time to at least peruse the link I provided and also the secondary link included in the first article.

Have a great day.
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Re: Yellow Triangle

Post by Pogo »

And just so @jensie doesn't feel completely left out of the thread while we discuss I-frame and help file semantics, and may be wondering "What's a status window and where do I find it?", perhaps the following will be more helpful...
Staus Icon.jpg
Staus Icon.jpg (11.04 KiB) Viewed 30196 times
Status Window.jpg
Status Window.jpg (245.98 KiB) Viewed 30196 times
Status Log.jpg
Status Log.jpg (138.89 KiB) Viewed 30196 times
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