Turn off audio trigger but still record audio when motion triggered
Turn off audio trigger but still record audio when motion triggered
Perhaps I have not just found the correct setting combination but is it possible to have the audio on so it only records if the camera is triggered by motion, but not have the camera triggered by audio? Basically because of ambient noise I have 9 cameras recording almost 24/7 since I cannot figure out how to turn off audio triggering.
Re: Turn off audio trigger but still record audio when motion triggered
Sorry. I think I figured it out. I just realized under audio there are 2 settings. If I am correct the record audio during profiles (whichever profiles you select) allow the audio to record and the other trigger the camera during profiles (again whichever profiles you select) are used to cause the camera to start recording. Apparently when I was copying my setup on the cameras I had the latter selected and I had not realized it.
Re: Turn off audio trigger but still record audio when motion triggered
That should do it
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