Using Blur Irisi on laptop with no router

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Using Blur Irisi on laptop with no router

Post by Drekko »


I want to connect an IP camera at mums but she has not internet, router or switch
I can work out how to connect everything without the router but can blue iris work in this way?

The setup will be

IP camera > POE Power Injector > Laptop

Laptop will have blue iris on it and I will configure it to have a static IP so it can talk to the camera

I will set up blue iris to record on movement but be watching 24/7

I know without internet I wont have remote access but this wont be needed
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Re: Using Blur Irisi on laptop with no router

Post by TimG »

I have no idea if that will work ! Can you test it and find out ?

What could work though is to use an old router/modem from a previous ISP. You wouldn't need to plug it in to the ISP, but it should work as a simple router. I use old routers as ethernet switches and wifi extenders. I'm presently using a BT hub (UK stuff) as an extender, but have Virgin cable internet as the ISP.
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