Seeking help with substream settings for Foscam FI9831W camera

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Re: Seeking help with substream settings for Foscam FI9831W camera

Post by Sardon »

pootug wrote: Wed Jan 31, 2024 3:54 pm this is mine..
it should work in vlc plyer using
I'm only achieving a maximum of 20FPS on this camera, despite it being advertised as capable of 25FPS. I've experimented with various settings, yet the result remains unchanged.

Additionally, I must mention that during tests at night, capturing a clear image of a person's face proves impossible due to blurriness. The clarity seems to improve during the day, which could be attributed to the specifications. From the research I've conducted online, it appears the issue may be related to shutter speed. I'm quite frustrated and unsure of the cause.
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Re: Seeking help with substream settings for Foscam FI9831W camera

Post by TimG »

As I understand it, higher fps means less time to get light on the sensor. 20 fps means 0.05 seconds, and 10 fps means 0.1 seconds. I always say this isn't Hollywood, so 10-12 fps is good enough and will help. Higher fps probably strains the hardware too. Experiment.

The best night time cameras I have from recent years are the Starlight Dahua 2MP cameras, which hit the Goldilocks zone. They can see in colour when my eyes see darkness. Better off with IR and black and white, but of course you have a camera behind glass, which would reflect it straight back into the camera. Outside lighting would help, but it would have to be in the right place.
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