Camera suggestion for day and night vision

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Re: Camera suggestion for day and night vision

Post by noopy66 »

PTZ's half price, good bargain :D

I have just bought from EmpireTech -- IPC-T54IR-ZE-S3 1/1.8" CMOS 4MP, the Lux on this camera states:-

0.0007 lux@F1.8 (Color, 30 IRE)
0.0004 lux@F1.8 (B/W, 30 IRE)

So should be good for night ?
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Re: Camera suggestion for day and night vision

Post by TimG »

0.006 vs 0.0007 :o

Well it looks like they have advanced quite a bit since I bought mine. If mine can see in the dark, I don't think you will have a problem seeing a black cat in a coal hole at midnight with those. In colour :idea:

Do let us know how you get on with them. Andy tends to be very quick with deliveries. :idea:
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Re: Camera suggestion for day and night vision

Post by noopy66 »

I have had this camera for a week now and can get good pictures in the dark, however I think I am trying to do too much with it as I also wanted to capture number plates. During the day number plates are great, nice quality , however night time the camera is in colour but the plates are a blur.

I have nearly learnt all the settings and keep trying different ones such as exposure, backlight, illuminator etc, tweaking one way makes number plates better but night time they are worse, and the other way night time is better but daytime is very bright.

I have only started understanding the idea of what these settings are on a camera, do you have any references on best way to set the camera up or is it trial and error?

I have left it as default for now, so daytime is great and night is black/white but can read number plates, getting fed up keep changing and not finding a solution :(
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Re: Camera suggestion for day and night vision

Post by TimG »

Doesn't it have separate day and night settings and an automatic switch between them ? I'm sure they are independant on mine.

There has been a lot of talk over the years about this on ipcamtalk, but you are likely to get flamed there so be careful if you visit.
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