Random Cameras losing signal at random times, fustrating ongoing issue

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Re: Random Cameras losing signal at random times, fustrating ongoing issue

Post by Pogo »

captainquack wrote: Mon Aug 05, 2024 9:46 pm I'm having a similar issue with BI...
The issue is not BI. BI is just exposing the problem.
These are all on Wi-Fi....
That is likely your problem and where investigation needs to focus, at least initially.
They were working fine for months, then this started about 2 weeks ago.
What changed 2 weeks ago that could have adversely affected your network, particularly the Wi-Fi?

Check everything starting at your router onward, including your dhcp functionality and all your IP address assignments for any oddball randomization.

Double check any/all access points or extenders for proper configuration and operation. A simple power interruption can make a mess of that stuff requiring controlled reboots or re-configs. IP addresses in particular can get scrambled behind access points and bridges under shaky powering conditions.

Try accessing the cameras directly via their webUI while Blue Iris is reporting a 'no signal' state to see if maybe they're actually online, but just not being seen by BI. If they are, BI is possibly changing the ip address in the camera config settings as a result of being confused by erratic behavior of an AP or bridge. This can be mitigated (not necessarily corrected) by checking the 'Skip initial MAC, HTTP, DNS reachability tests' in the network IP configuration section of the camera's BI configuration.

No magic bullets. Just basic troubleshooting.
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Re: Random Cameras losing signal at random times, fustrating ongoing issue

Post by TimG »

Ooh, stage 2 already ? I'll add in to PING the known IP's as well then from a pc on the LAN.
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Re: Random Cameras losing signal at random times, fustrating ongoing issue

Post by captainquack »

Pogo. That was the first thing I did. The router is good. All the addresses are static and are in the DHCP reserved list. For the last 2 days they have all been dead steady except for one that has been problematic for a while now and is next on the replacement list. I just don't get it. I had completely brain farted on the logs. I'm letting a few days accurate and then I'll look through them.

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Re: Random Cameras losing signal at random times, fustrating ongoing issue

Post by Pogo »

captainquack wrote: Fri Aug 09, 2024 12:52 am Pogo. That was the first thing I did. The router is good. All the addresses are static and are in the DHCP reserved list.
Cool. So are mine.

But..., Blue Iris itself doesn't necessarily care about that and can (and does) change the IP address in the config file for the camera based on incorrect detection of the MAC address under certain conditions, most often for cameras behind wi-fi access points or bridges which in many cases hide the MAC addresses of the devices behind them while associating their own MAC address with the statically assigned IP address. The device is still online and seen by the network at its assigned IP address, but just not by Blue Iris which uses a device scanning process to verify the identity of a camera via HTTP, DNS, and MAC address. If it sees the MAC address of the AP or bridge instead of the camera, it will change the IP address in the camera's config file to that of the AP or bridge. This usually occurs after a network or power disruption affecting only the access/bridge segment of the network..., if any of that makes any sense. The corrective action is to check the 'Skip initial MAC...." box in the camera Network IP configuration pane of any such cameras.

The next time you experience the issue, ping the camera's IP address or attempt to log in to its webUI. If the previous explanation is what's happening, you'll be able to access the camera and will also discover an incorrect IP address entered into its Blue Iris configuration.

But I'm repeating myself...
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Re: Random Cameras losing signal at random times, fustrating ongoing issue

Post by captainquack »

I'll give that a try. One of the things that is confusing me is why on the static cameras? Why not the PvT ones as well? And I discovered something else interesting while setting up the newest PvT. BI didn't like the password I assigned the camera. I changed the passwords to something else and they work fine. Something else for me to dig into next time I get board, lol. Thanks for all the help, Pogo. I'll try that skip initial MAC setting and report back.

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Re: Random Cameras losing signal at random times, fustrating ongoing issue

Post by Make-n-it »

I have the exact same problem..... No issues with the PTZ but it happens with all my other non-PTZ cameras
I made a script that pings all my cameras and the problem now occurs less frequently

ping x.x.x.x -t

Something about the ICMP is keeping the signal on.

Here is a basic ping script that I'm working on. Right now the title is stuck on good... I'm trying to fix it so that if you don't get a good ping response then the title changes to bad.
- This script has multiples of tabs in a single window for each ping
- just change the IP Address to match that configured on your camera

Put the following in a windows batch file
wt new-tab cmd /k "for /l %%i in () do (ping -n 1 | findstr /i \"reply\" >nul && title 201 - GOOD || title 201 - BAD & ping -t)" ; new-tab cmd /k "for /l %%i in () do (ping -n 1 | findstr /i \"reply\" >nul && title 202 - GOOD || title 202 - BAD & ping -t)" ; new-tab cmd /k "for /l %%i in () do (ping -n 1 | findstr /i \"reply\" >nul && title 205 - GOOD || title 205 - BAD & ping -t)" ; new-tab cmd /k "for /l %%i in () do (ping -n 1 | findstr /i \"reply\" >nul && title 206 - GOOD || title 206 - BAD & ping -t)" ; new-tab cmd /k "for /l %%i in () do (ping -n 1 | findstr /i \"reply\" >nul && title 208 - GOOD || title 208 - BAD & ping -t)" ; new-tab cmd /k "for /l %%i in () do (ping -n 1 | findstr /i \"reply\" >nul && title 210 - GOOD || title 210 - BAD & ping -t)"
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Re: Random Cameras losing signal at random times, fustrating ongoing issue

Post by captainquack »

I'll give that a try Make-n-it. If I can remember how to write a batch file. It's been many years since I last did that, lol.

Captain Quack
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