Power fail recovery

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Power fail recovery

Post by petesocal »

I'm new to Blue Iris (and video surveillance in general), so please bear with me if this is a stupid question. I have SV3C cameras and whenever there is a power glitch, they reset --- I do not see a way in the camera UI to specify a startup position (and their startup position after a power failure is not what I need. I simply need them to be commanded to a preset when their connection is restored ---- Blue Iris, itself, is on a UPS so it does not restart; the cameras are not on a UPS but the whole house is on a generator, so power is back up in a minute or so; the cameras restart and point to their default position. It seems like the watchdog feature almost has what I want, but commanding a camera to a preset isn't on the list of available actions. Any suggsestions?
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Re: Power fail recovery

Post by TimG »

There is no such thing as a stupid question. It's just something you don't know yet. I don't know the SV3C cameras, but the trick with my Dahua PTZ's was to save that default position to where you want it to be so they do point there on power up.

FWIW: My logic is to use enough fixed cameras, and then to add in a few PTZ's to play with. We've all seen the movies where the people wait for the camera to pan the other way and then run past it unseen.
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