Not receiving push notifications

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Not receiving push notifications

Post by skeebo26 »

I've not been receiving push notifications on the Android app for about a week.

-Blue Iris version
-Windows 11
-No antivirus, only Windows Defender and Blue Iris is allowed on Private/Public
-Android app version 3.0.43
-Android 14
-Blue Iris status log says "Push: OK to OnePlus LE2115 (0/88)"
-Under settings/Mobile devices (Push, Description) is checked on my only device (OnePlus LE2115)
-Remote access works fine through the app, it just will not notify me
-Notifications are enabled for the app
-Do Not Optimize is chosen under Android battery optimization
-Tried uninstalling/reinstalling both apps
-Rebooted both devices

I don't know what else to do besides factory reset both devices. I've even restored Windows to an earlier date. Any help appreciated
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Re: Not receiving push notifications

Post by Maxington »

Same here, no push notifications, and CPU usage isn't reported on the Android app either.
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Re: Not receiving push notifications

Post by awitty987 »

Same problem here. It's been working fine up until sometime last week.

I'm running version
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Re: Not receiving push notifications

Post by awitty987 »

Support have confirmed it's a bug and are woring on a fix.
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Re: Not receiving push notifications

Post by Sardon »

I’m experiencing similar problems here. I was on version and receiving notifications without thumbnails, so I reverted to the previous stable version and then I didn't receive any notifications which I thought was strange as it was working , well as far as I can remember anyway.

After contacting Ken at support, he mentioned that the thumbnail issue would be fixed in version, as long as Google FCM could reach the WAN address. He also mentioned that Google broke something, and they had to change the code to resolve this.

Ken mentioned it was stated in the updates notes, which I didn't check but it does mention something along these lines.

So, I updated to which became available yesterday, but now I’m not receiving any notifications at all. I’ve checked that the WAN IP in Blue Iris matches my actual WAN IP, so that doesn't seem to be the issue. However, I’m stumped on how to check if the FCM service is correctly reaching the WAN. Does anyone know how to troubleshoot this or what I should check next? I've never heard of Google FCM so no idea...

This is starting to become a serious concern for me, as I rely on these notifications for security. CPAI is working perfectly, but it’s no use if I’m not alerted when someone is approaching my door.

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated!

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Re: Not receiving push notifications

Post by TimG »

I don't think there is anything you can do. A web search for "Google FCM" shows one version of it was deprecated in June, and a new Google api had to be used. I think Ken will be aware of this from his response to you.
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Re: Not receiving push notifications

Post by Sardon »

I’m still dealing with major issues regarding notifications after the latest update. This morning, I didn’t receive any alerts when the postman arrived, and I rely on these for security. I've attached an image showing him at my door, but not a single notification came through.

postman.jpg (17.37 KiB) Viewed 15421 times
Here’s what I’ve done:

Running Blue Iris version
My WAN address is set correctly and matches my actual WAN IP.
I only use a VPN on my mobile when I’m out, which gives me LAN access, but even when I’m at home, the notifications aren’t working as they should.

Ken mentioned: "The Android push image may now be incompatible with VPN. The Google FCM pulls the message down with the WAN address provided to it. If the FCM server is not on your VPN, this is going to fail. Previously, the app handled that, but now FCM does."

He also said: "Please verify your WAN address is reachable when the notification occurs. This is used to retrieve the image. If you are on your LAN, your router may not allow access via the WAN address."

Frankly, this doesn’t make much sense to me. Does this mean that if I’m at home and connected to Wi-Fi, the notifications won’t work because my router somehow blocks the WAN address? If so, that seems ridiculous, especially for a security setup where alerts are critical whether I'm at home or not.

Has anyone else experienced this or found a way to ensure notifications work correctly regardless of connection type (LAN/WAN/VPN)? I’d appreciate any advice because this is now a critical issue.

Bottom line, I’m genuinely worried about leaving my house unattended, knowing I won’t receive alerts, I don't even receive alerts when at home because from my understanding I'm connected to the LAN via WIFI.

Surely, I can’t be the only one with serious concerns at this level due to whatever is happening with blue iris & Google FCM.
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Re: Not receiving push notifications

Post by TimG »

As a work around, do you have home automation ? I think the reason this hasn't affected me is that I send MQTT messages to HomeSeer and use their conditional logic to send messages to my mobile phone.
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Re: Not receiving push notifications

Post by skeebo26 »

No. I just have Blue Iris. I looked into the Pushover app as a workaround, but couldn't get it to work. I would set it up like you have as a workaround if you could point me in the right direction
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Re: Not receiving push notifications

Post by TimG »

Sorry, my last response was specifically for Sardon, but I didn't mention that :oops:
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