Hello all, I'm a brand new newbee with what I am sure is a typical newbee problem.
I have manually configured Blue Iris to use port 8099, and created a port forwarding link in my Netgear router for the same port, but I'm not getting out of my network. I can successfully see Blue Iris on my local nework using the same port. When that didn't work, I resorted to UPnP with no results. The remote access wizard works with flying colors, all green. I also used and it say's that it can see me, although the last time I clicked their link, I didnt give me a success report, It took meto their website.
I'm sure that I'm missing something simple. Can someone straighten me out???
Thanks, Jim
EDIT: I have used the appropriate IP addresses for inside and outside
Can't get port forwarding to work
Re: Can't get port forwarding to work
Hi Jim,
After noting your IP address was valid, I have edited your post and obfuscated it to prevent malicious actions. Looks like you sussed port forwarding out as I could connect to your BI5 server from the UK. At least you had a password on it
After noting your IP address was valid, I have edited your post and obfuscated it to prevent malicious actions. Looks like you sussed port forwarding out as I could connect to your BI5 server from the UK. At least you had a password on it

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Re: Can't get port forwarding to work
Thanks TimG, Iappreciate your action onmy behalf. Is there anything else I can do to make it more secure?
Re: Can't get port forwarding to work
TimG, thanks for reminding me about passwords. I was still using the generic 12345abc. That could have turned into a disaster. Regards, Jim
Re: Can't get port forwarding to work
I think the general consensus is that it is more secure to connect to your network using a VPN (and THEN connect to the webserver from within your home network), rather than using port-forwarding and exposing your Blue Iris webserver port to the world (even with password protection.)
There are many ways to VPN into your home network, but some routers have VPN servers built-in, and I think that might be the easiest way.