my cpu usage is stuck around 65-70 percent for 9 camera at 1080p. here is what i have done so far.
- update blue iris
- change all camera to h264 (1080p) 15 frames/ i-frame 15, subtream is d1 15frames/i-frame 15
- add sub streams (had them disabled, read enabling should lower cpu but made no difference)
- change to record direct to disk, made sure record dual stream was checked
- change motion sensor from use zone (had only 1) to object detection
- sensitivity is set to 100. contrast 20
I only need to record high res when motion is detected.
Computer is an beelink ser 5, 16 gig ram 500 gb m.2
any help would be appreciated. i have 7 other site that are no seeing high cpu but trying to get this one working first
not able to lower cpu usage
Re: not able to lower cpu usage
Have you checked in the status page, camera info stats page to check what streams are being pulled?
Re: not able to lower cpu usage
not sure where that setting is . is this what you are asking about
Re: not able to lower cpu usage
He means this page including the numbers at the bottom of the window:
It shows us the load on your system.
It shows us the load on your system.
Forum Moderator.
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Problem ? Ask and we will try to assist, but please check the Help file.
Re: not able to lower cpu usage
here you go
Re: not able to lower cpu usage
My 10% cpu load is with an i7-8700k cpu at stock speed and a higher MP/s load. I'm not sure which cpu you have, but it looks like the Beelink Ser 5 use AMD Ryzen. If it is a Ryzen 5560U then it will be much slower than the i7, and it wouldn't have an Intel gpu to accelerate, so setting HA=I could even increase cpu load.
I also note that for the Crawl Space camera you have main and sub stream set to the same resolution (Mpixels) size. That will increase the cpu load for that camera for no gain. If it doesn't have a sub-stream, don't set one up in BI5. If it does, drop the resolution of the sub-stream in the actual camera settings to reduce cpu load.
To be clear, I built the i7 pc to use Intel hardware acceleration with a fairly economical cpu. It worked well at reducing cpu load. Then sub-streams came along. I experimented and found the lowest cpu usage came with sub-streams on, and Intel hardware acceleration off. It will be different for other cpu's and camera loads - that is just what happened with my home installation.
I think it will still be true that you need a compatible Intel cpu/gpu or an Nvidia gpu card for hardware acceleration.HA
Hardware acceleration. When a value is shown, the camera is currently using hardware
decoding (I=Intel, I+=Intel+VPP, N=Nvidia, DX=DirectX, I2=Intel Beta).
I also note that for the Crawl Space camera you have main and sub stream set to the same resolution (Mpixels) size. That will increase the cpu load for that camera for no gain. If it doesn't have a sub-stream, don't set one up in BI5. If it does, drop the resolution of the sub-stream in the actual camera settings to reduce cpu load.
To be clear, I built the i7 pc to use Intel hardware acceleration with a fairly economical cpu. It worked well at reducing cpu load. Then sub-streams came along. I experimented and found the lowest cpu usage came with sub-streams on, and Intel hardware acceleration off. It will be different for other cpu's and camera loads - that is just what happened with my home installation.
Forum Moderator.
Problem ? Ask and we will try to assist, but please check the Help file.
Problem ? Ask and we will try to assist, but please check the Help file.
Re: not able to lower cpu usage
think i fixed the issue, which leads me to another question. i updated the grapic driver with amd instead of the one that came with the mini pc and dropped to 20 percent with triggers uping it to 30 sometimes). My qusetion is i currently have 5 other site (intel cpu) with 25-30 cameras which are showing high cpu, 95-100 i made the changes to one and updated the drive from intel (uhd 630) this dropped it to about 75 with triggers pushing it to 95). these sites have limited bandwidth so machines are not updated often. Are there other files that need to be updated on the pc?
Re: not able to lower cpu usage
also would a dedicated graphic card make any diference (seems that intel or intel + vpp) does not make a difference