Intermitten cameras adn recordings

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Intermitten cameras adn recordings

Post by racprops »

So here is what is happening:

I walked I front of my three cameras in my Yard, all three FAILED to see me and record me, two saw me part of the time I stood in front of them for 10 seconds, at the count of 6 I raised my right hand and twilled my fingers, at ten I raised both hands and twilled my fingers.

No camera recorded my walking out the door and no camera recorded the some 15to 20 seconds of my total time in its viewed of view, and the two working cameras I appeared and disappeared suddenly.

I did the same to my three rear cameras and I did the same 10 outs.

All three cameras responded very slowly, I would suddenly appear, part way thought my 10 count, and disappear before the ten count. NO Camera recorded my walking out to it and no camera recorded my walking back to the door.

I have seen this SPOTTY action when my wife walks on into the yards as well.

This will not do, a good 5 to 10 seconds of the beginning of an intruder is not recorded, nor is the total time any intruder is recorded is incomplete.

IF I am watch the cameras live I can see all the action.

So it is the response and maintaining recording time problem.

A person under such conditions could walk into my yard, steal something and walk out with NO RECORDING even being made.

I have seen this watching my yard crew cleaning up the yard, and even live they can freeze and then pop up an different place.

What the hell is wrong?

I think my dropping my four/five main cameras to a stand by mode is part of the problem, and is the turn on response time and keep recording until will becomes still again is off.

How do I fix this?

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Re: Intermitten cameras adn recordings

Post by MikeBwca »

If you log into the cameras web gui, can you see the cameras responding okay?
Disable two cameras in BI and try with 1 camera. Do you still get the same results?
It doesn't seem to me to be a BI issue. What say yee all?

Many questions...
- Are these 3 cameras wired, or, WiFi?
- What model of cameras & mp?
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Re: Intermitten cameras adn recordings

Post by TimG »

MikeBwca: See the other thread "OMG learning this is a nightmare:". The OP has purchased a lot of cctv equipment without asking for advice and is now asking us why it doesn't work properly. We have advised him to take small steps to learn the basics, and to ask questions with screenshots of the present settings. He responded to that by flaming BI5 and upsetting Pogo.

The OP has two options:
1. Ask questions and we will try to help.
2. Go against the forum terms and conditions and get banned.

BI5 does work. You have to start small, and learn the basics. Like we did. Then you add to it. You keep learning. Then you buy more cameras. Repeat.
Forum Moderator.
Problem ? Ask and we will try to assist, but please check the Help file.
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Re: Intermitten cameras adn recordings

Post by Pogo »

TimG wrote: Tue Oct 08, 2024 4:13 pm ...and upsetting Pogo.
Not really. It takes a little more than his act to get me upset.

He was just a whiney disrespectful ass wanting attention while at the same time being quite disrespectful of the time spent by others attempting to providing useful advice despite is attitude.

Someone had to say so..., "politely". LOL