Possible to externally query for, export or otherwise get list of groups and the cameras they contain. Does that already exist in a xml or something I'm not finding.
Possible to externally query or get list of groups and cameras
Re: Possible to externally query or get list of groups and cameras
What are you trying to accomplish with the list of cameras and groups?
Re: Possible to externally query or get list of groups and cameras
There are a couple of tools in the Status pane that are capable of exporting events if the intent is to simply have log info off premise, or at least available externally.
Re: Possible to externally query or get list of groups and cameras
Definitely got me pointed in the right direction. Unfortunately adding and removing cameras from groups isn't logged in the 'Log' tab. The export button on the 'Cameras' tab is exactly what I was looking for, if I could automate it to export daily.
Re: Possible to externally query or get list of groups and cameras
You may also want to explore the possibilities via the 'Triggers' and 'Alerts' functionality. A camera moves, it trips a trigger which activates an alert or other resulting function..., like spitting out a log entry to an external resource, an alert or both. A macro may be another way depending on your patience for playing around with scripts.
And depending on your particular BI version, there may now even be a handy dandy feature to specifically identify/detect Group changes for any number of reasons. Mine is good ol' lacking the latest greatest bugs and malfunctions. LOL
Anyway, here's one area that may be worth looking into depending on what types of triggers you can come up with to indicate a camera's group association..., like the group name changing maybe? That may be macro territory, but cake if you knew how. (I don't.)
And depending on your particular BI version, there may now even be a handy dandy feature to specifically identify/detect Group changes for any number of reasons. Mine is good ol' lacking the latest greatest bugs and malfunctions. LOL
Anyway, here's one area that may be worth looking into depending on what types of triggers you can come up with to indicate a camera's group association..., like the group name changing maybe? That may be macro territory, but cake if you knew how. (I don't.)