Windowed Mode for Admin Console

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Windowed Mode for Admin Console

Post by blueirisuser888569 »

I've been using Blue Iris since 2013 and I have constantly struggled with maximizing the console window with multiple monitors (3+ monitors). I've always fought applications not drawing correctly on monitors 3 and 4. Recently after buying a 4K monitor the behavior of blue iris's console has become very unpredictable. Sometimes no matter what I do it will not redraw the console on any monitor, even though it appears in the taskbar. Normally when this happens with an app I simply hit Alt+Spacebar while selecting the application in the taskbar, hit M on keyboard, then the left arrow, then the window will "Stick" to my mouse cursor and I can bring it back onto a monitor. However, since BI does not have a window or title bar (like say notepad does) it does not let me move it.

Is there any way to have BI draw it's console inside of a normal window with a title bar? Otherwise, is there any way to reliably make blue iris ignore it's "restore" location and just come up on the primary monitor? If I right click on the eye icon in the system tray and choose restore/minimize/maximize it doesn't work.

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