Trigger/Recording settings
Trigger/Recording settings
What should I have this ^^ set to so it's most sensitive and will stay recording if the object doesn't move for many seconds
What should I have this ^^ set to so it's pretty sensitive
I want this to be sensitive and easily triggered ^^
Re: Trigger/Recording settings
Experimentation is best as all cameras and situations are different, but:
1. Increase break time and max alert duration. Set so it records 24/7 then you won't miss anything.
2. Move min object size and contrast to the left.
3. This ones a doozy. These settings are pre AI and were mainly to STOP nuisance triggers. For AI you just let BI5 detect motion for everything and let the AI decide if it should trigger an Alert or not. So, on the assumption that you are NOT using AI:
It's all about finding the balance between triggering on everything you want, and getting rid of nuisance triggers. And the there's AI 
Experimentation is best as all cameras and situations are different, but:
1. Increase break time and max alert duration. Set so it records 24/7 then you won't miss anything.
2. Move min object size and contrast to the left.
3. This ones a doozy. These settings are pre AI and were mainly to STOP nuisance triggers. For AI you just let BI5 detect motion for everything and let the AI decide if it should trigger an Alert or not. So, on the assumption that you are NOT using AI:
- Object travel - is to prevent triggering unless something has moved by X pixels. Turn it off for max sensitivity.
- Object crosses zones - is to prevent unwanted movement triggering BI5. You have it turned off. I have it ON and have predefined zones where I want movement to trigger BI5, and rules such as A,B,A-B.
- Reset detector when - will prevent triggering if object > X% size. Your present setting of 30 means BI5 will prevent the trigger if a moving object is greater than 30% of the image. I set this to 85+ so only passing clouds or exterior lighting are prevented from triggering BI5. For maximum sensitivity turn it off.

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Re: Trigger/Recording settings
Thank you so much - I just made some adjustments and will see how this works now! I do have the AI update and am using that.