I recently added five cameras to my system bringing to a total of twelve. It brought my PC to it's knees - CPU at 100%, fan speed kicked up high making lots of noise, slow responses in serving up feeds to phones etc. I had to disable four of them to get things back to running smooth. Granted I have struggled with triggers and notifications but I think I need more horsepower here.
Cameras are mostly Amcrest 4K (8MP) with a few oddballs in the mix. PC is a dedicated PC that has Intel I5-3570, 3.4Ghz, 4 cores with only 8GB RAM. No add on graphics card.
I am thinking of building a new dedicated PC for my cameras. Remote login to it to maintain. Not worried about screen display. BI site recommends an I7, 8GB ram and nVIDIA graphics (for efficient screen display). So I'm looking for some more specifics on recommendations. I've seen posts talking about Quick Sync hardware acceleration and support for hardware acceleration on NVidia cards with CUDA cores. Don't think you can use both at same time so its one or the other. Some sites say don't bother with Graphics cards. Seems like graphics cards if used properly would be ideal but don't want to spend a fortune on a card if it has minimal return on investment.
My current thought is an late model I7, 32GB RAM, SDD, and disk hard drive to record videos. Trying to figure out the point of diminishing returns on graphics card.
Thanks for any advice/help.
PC Build Specs
Re: PC Build Specs
Hi mate,
Did you end up buying/building a PC? Wondering what you went with?
Did you end up buying/building a PC? Wondering what you went with?