Move Clips from New to Storage at specific times

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Move Clips from New to Storage at specific times

Post by Miller90 »

We have configured our BI Setup that new is written on local nvme Storage and after a while or when size limit is in effect, gets moved to a NAS for long term storage.
We use single clips for events, so no continious clips.
Everything is fine, but as clips are made, clips are moved and this happens often with a lot of cameras. When clips are moved we get 100 % Storage load on our NAS and BI "freezes" so long as clips are being moved and i watch clips from the NAS.
BI works fine otherwise and still records and displays live clips, but this is a hassle when looking through older clips and constantly have to wait for clips moving.

Is there an option or a way to move clips in bulk, like on a specific time?
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Re: Move Clips from New to Storage at specific times

Post by pqRec »

I'd like this feature too,
In the meantime I have a terrible workaround, at 1am the task scheduler launch a powershell script to stop the BlueIris service, updates

Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Perspective Software\Blue Iris\clips\folders\0\archmb

to the value I want to clear the New folder to Storage, then start the BlueIris service and monitor the size of the New folder until it reaches the desired value. I again stop the BlueIris service once this amount of space is free on the New folder, change the reg value to a high amount so it won't be triggered during the next 24hrs and start the BlueIris service again.
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Re: Move Clips from New to Storage at specific times

Post by Miller90 »

Yeah this is some kind of workaround, but it does sound like a logical approach. I had something similar in mind, but didn't know how to implement it.
I saw a maxkbpersec_read/write in there. Maybe we could just limit this and wouldn't overwhelm it.
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Re: Move Clips from New to Storage at specific times

Post by IAmATeaf »

What sort of throughput does your NAS have or not have. You could try making the overall clips size smaller? I tend to limit the size to 1Gb else it makes them unmanageable for me.
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