Doesn't record distant objects with "object size exceeds"

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Doesn't record distant objects with "object size exceeds"

Post by markn62 »

Can someone explain why enabling "object size exceeds", at the default value of 67, doesn't trigger until the object is 2x to 3x closer to the camera? It's supposed to be a filter to handle cloud movement and other large scene changes. I can't get a trigger until I walk about 20' from camera with this feature enabled. Don't want to have false positives by unfiltering cloud movement and motion activated lighting that should have nothing to do with object size / movement.
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Re: Doesn't record distant objects with "object size exceeds"

Post by Pogo »

Motion detection and object detection are completely independent functions which can be used as such or together.

It can be very confusing to set either one to your expectations if the other is also active and interfering with the desired results. Understanding this is important.

Understanding zones relative to each type of detection is also a major consideration for effective results.

It all takes time and a certain learning curve.

Every camera and purpose will require a slightly or drastically different approach to achieve the desired results.

The 'Help' topics on each Blue Iris page can be very helpful.

Bottom line to your main question(s)...

You are an object with motion. Try reducing it to either one or the other. Clouds and shadows are motion as are objects. You can still have object sizes and image contrast trigger motion alerts. The Motion Detection stuff is not required for this and is often little more than a frustrating disaster if not adequately understood -- especially for an application that doesn't require it at all.

Sorry for such a loosly thrown together response. Hopefully it will at least get you leaning in a more productive direction.
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Re: Doesn't record distant objects with "object size exceeds"

Post by markn62 »

Yes, it doesn't really answer my question in an actionable way. I'll just have to understand that using "object size exceeds" substantially impacts the "object travels" 20 pixels even though 20 pixels should mean 20 pixels. Makes no sense but OK.
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Re: Doesn't record distant objects with "object size exceeds"

Post by Pogo »

'Object size exceeds' is referencing a precentage of the overall scene being viewed regardless of the number of pixels involved.

I have a little time of you want to kick this around for a bit.

Understanding what you are actually trying to accomplish would be a good place to start in determining the best way to assist.
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Re: Doesn't record distant objects with "object size exceeds"

Post by Pogo »

markn62 wrote: Fri Nov 29, 2024 11:41 pm Can someone explain why enabling "object size exceeds", at the default value of 67, doesn't trigger until the object is 2x to 3x
Let's try this;

First, the Object Size Exceeds setting is a re-triggering parameter, not a trigger. How it is set is determined by several factors, not the least of which is the primary trigger.
It's supposed to be a filter to handle cloud movement and other large scene changes. I can't get a trigger until I walk about 20' from camera with this feature enabled.
it is not a filter. It is a re-triggering mechnism.
Don't want to have false positives by unfiltering cloud movement and motion activated lighting that should have nothing to do with object size / movement.
None of us do and most of us don't. Understanding triggers, zones and motion interaction will go a lot further in eliminating your 'false positives' than simply relying on randomization of object detection settings when an adequate understanding of that particular method is clearly lacking.

Believe it or not, your solution may be a very simple one requiring little more than a small zone and a simple trigger setup. They usually are.

BTW, you are correct about "20 pixels is 20 pixels". What needs to be understood here is some are bigger than others depending on resolution and which stream is being used for the triggering. 3840x2160 is a whole other bag o' pixels than 640x480. Understanding this will go a long way in learning how and why Blue Iris behaves (or doesn't) as one would think it should.
Last edited by Pogo on Sat Nov 30, 2024 10:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Doesn't record distant objects with "object size exceeds"

Post by markn62 »

Thanks Pogo for taking the time. I have a simple edge vector motion sensor set a min size =100, min contrast =30, object travels =20 and "object size exceeds" disabled. Works fine walking about 60 feet away. I just came from years of Sighthound use. From this I know clouds are likely going to mess with this setup come summer time when it's not overcast. And the camera auto change from color to black and white already triggers the entire screen and causes an alert. Enabling the "object size exceeds" prevents a trigger and alert twice a day at dawn and dusk. But by enabling I have to now be within 20 feet of the camera before it triggers which reduces the coverage to a fraction of the sideyard. Fairly simple situation right? What other info do you need to assess this?
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Re: Doesn't record distant objects with "object size exceeds"

Post by Pogo »

Ok. Something to work with. What is the actual scene? Yard? Driveway? Front door?
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Re: Doesn't record distant objects with "object size exceeds"

Post by markn62 »

Sideyard mostly grass. Lighting fairly stable. Masked out above the fence line for car headlamps passing between houses. Neighbor trees on fence line that will cast moving shadows in the summer during AM.
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Re: Doesn't record distant objects with "object size exceeds"

Post by Pogo »

Ok. So lets' break it down to the absolute basics. Within the camera's view, what activity are you concerned with, or desire triggers to be generated by? The objective here is to simply establish trigger target areas and the best and most accurate method of setting them up.

Feel free to post a screenshot of the scene if you wish.
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Re: Doesn't record distant objects with "object size exceeds"

Post by Pogo »

Let's also forget about object detection for the moment and focus on motion, zones and basic triggering. I'll post some examples in a few...
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