'Save server' doesn't work anymore

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'Save server' doesn't work anymore

Post by RWhiteley »

Hi everyone, I've been using Blue Iris for approximately 6 years now. I've used iOS for the majority of that time with version 3 and 4 of the Blue Iris software. Recently switching to Android mobile app.
I monitor two separate sites and have previously saved the servers for quick switch between them.

My problem: while still using iOS on an iPhone5C to access Blue Iris version 5 at two sites I suddenly lost the server settings for one of them.
All attempts to save the settings for this one site have failed. The same thing happens on the Android mobile app.

I can access the cameras using IP addresses OR with the 'GET IPS' but when I try to save the server it just disappears...

One final note; the server name does not appear at any time. I assume naturally that the server name is issued by the server during setup.

Any help would be appreciated.
kind regards.
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Re: 'Save server' doesn't work anymore

Post by TimG »

Hi Roy,

That's one for support. Click on the "Email support" button in BI5 settings to get the licence info you need to add in to the email, and please let us know what the response is so we can help other people.
Forum Moderator.
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