UVC G3 Dome

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UVC G3 Dome

Post by Willy235536 »

I have BI Version x64 that continuously keeps losing connection to one UVC G3 Dome Camera. It is the only camera of it’s type on my camera suite. All of my other cameras work without issues and I can log into my UVC G3 cam directly with no issues. I am hesitant to move up to the new V5 until I can figure this one camera out. Would you know if this is a BI issue? To me it seems so but not 100% sure. All of my unifi cameras are in standalone mode
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Re: UVC G3 Dome

Post by TimG »

If it is a wired camera, I suspect it may be a network cable issue. Can you run a temporary cable to it ?
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Re: UVC G3 Dome

Post by Willy235536 »

I could try but that does not make sense being that I can log into the camera at the same moment it has lost connection with BI. I have the camera wired into a 2nd layer managed POE switch with an AP and two other unifi cameras none of which are experiencing this issue. I have a spare unifi camera of another type that I can try and see if I get replicate this issue. I still suspect a G3 Dome to BI compatibility issue. Thanks
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Re: UVC G3 Dome

Post by MikeBwca »

I had a wifi camera that did this also. Turned out it was at the edge of the wifi range. I resolved it by adding another router as an Access Point on the other side of the house. Now I get great wifi no matter where I am. Even outside!

You can kind of see this in the Status/Cameras display. If the fps keeps dropping to a low value, it's an indication of a poor wifi signal, bad cable, or, saturated wifi/wired network. If it's a saturated network, then you would be having issues with the other camera - so probably not.
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Re: UVC G3 Dome

Post by Willy235536 »

Unfortunately this is not a wireless setup. It is hard wired. This weekend I will swap it out for a known working spare that i have. Good news is I did nothing and it has been operating for over 2 days now without a disconnect...
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Re: UVC G3 Dome

Post by MikeBwca »

The fps on the status display will still indicate if the network is getting saturated, wifi or wired. You can also see this in your router.
The BI Status/Cameras page will also list the total MP/s of all the cameras - at the bottom of the display. Not sure how acurate it is as far as network usage, but helpful.

What router/switch do you have, and speed? Cable type?
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Re: UVC G3 Dome

Post by Willy235536 »

Frame rate on all cameras are 10/1 fps with a bit rate of 390 kb/s. I am using a UniFi managed 8 port 60W POE Switch which is then wired back to a UniFi managed 48 port Switch connected by CAT6 UTP solid, riser cable. I have 3 POE cameras total and one Unifi UAP-AC-PRO POE AP wired to this switch. Total demand for my 2nd layer switch is 11 watts.

I have 2 other similar setups around my home/property with similar stats except I have 5 cameras on one switch none of which have any issues.

I did move the the suspect camera to a different port on the switch and moved the known issue-less camera to the suspect port to see if that may be an issue.
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Re: UVC G3 Dome

Post by MikeBwca »

Since you moved the camera around, it's most likely not the network or cable issue.

As you have more than 1 of these cameras, and this is the only one having an issue, if it is BI, it could be something specific to the cameras configuration or that it's BI config is corrupted or 'weirded out'.
You could export the camera, then delete & re add the camera. Or, clone a working camera and then change the clones IP to the cameras IP, and see if that resolved the issue (disable the original camera first).

Or, the camera is going bad. Disable the camera in BI, then keep the cameras gui active for a few days to see if that has the same issue.
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