Blue Iris V4 can't hit server remotely

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Blue Iris V4 can't hit server remotely

Post by LyndMc »

I've been using this software for years now, as long as its not crashed, and that is about every 2 weeks, I was able to hit the server remotely. Every time the software would update, it would crash. Every time Windows updated, it crashed again, the Amcrest cameras also crap the bed every couple of weeks and need their power cycled. I've learned to live with that, but now its DOA remotely. Recently I've been having bouts with the login page not showing up when trying to access from my iPad or iPhone, all I get is a white or sometimes a black screen and the login info wont show up. Intermittently it did work until recently, now its a no-go all the time.

I deleted the software and reloaded, no better. I've changed my ports from 80 to 81 and 8081, no better. I tried and it hits the server with no issue. Internally I can see everything and any motion does send an alert out via email with a clip. I can use the Amcrest PRO software and I can see my camera remotely with no issue. I checked my firewall and I do have a rule set up for Blue Iris. Nothing has changes, it worked for years now it doesn't, it makes no sense. I'm reading that others are having trouble with V5 doing the same thing. I'd just like to see Blue Iris work so I don't need 2 programs to see my camera.

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Re: Blue Iris V4 can't hit server remotely

Post by LyndMc »

Update.... I hope I'm not shooting myself in the foot by thinking I'm fixed, but I reached out to tech support with my URL and license number today. Magically I can see my system remotely again!!!! All of a sudden when I put in my URL a program called Tacit showed up as the viewer..... so far it works like a champ after not working at all for days! I've never seen or heard of this program but its working well so far. I struggled with my web server settings, ports, firewalls, and privileges fro 2 evenings with no luck. I'll let you know if it keeps going in the right direction.
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Re: Blue Iris V4 can't hit server remotely

Post by HeneryH »

Sounds like you have way more problems to tackle that just getting external access.

Focus on those problems first.
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Re: Blue Iris V4 can't hit server remotely

Post by LyndMc »

As of today I have access using a program called Tacit View. I think this was put in place by tech support, very greatful to them for this BTW.

I’ve had issues with BI since my original install, now on a fresh install maybe it will be better. My Amcrest cameras crashed again today, no shock there. I’d never buy Amcrest again, they’ve never stayed online longer than 2 weeks at a time over the last 2-3 years, extremely unreliable. One of tve two that I had died weeks after the warranty expired. They wouldn’t replace it even though I had tech historic support cases stating problems while in warranty. I’m going to buy a plug in surge protector to see if that helps my camera offline issues, I’ve already got my server on a UPS that seemed to help a little. I do have my cameras plugged into the same outlet as my washer and drier which may not be ideal.

I got an email from BI tech support instructing me to upgrade to V5 but I’m a bit Leary, especially with these unreliable cameras and all of the reports of issues after upgrade. It looks like if I up my support for $29, I will get V5 which isn’t a bad deal.
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Re: Blue Iris V4 can't hit server remotely

Post by LyndMc »

Believe me, it's been 2-3 years of struggle!

So.... I got and email from tech support today asking for my license info and asking questions about firewalls and, all of which were in line. Magically my remote started to work and it started using a program called Tacit Vision! I have no idea where this program came from, it must have been something that tech support did. I later got another email from them telling me to upgrade to V5 today!

I see that if I extend my support for $29, I'll get V5 for free. That's a pretty good deal but I'm Leary with all the issues that I read about upgrading. I went out and bought a surge protector for my camera power line today, I already have a UPS on my server. If I can get things to work and be reliable, I'll go from there. I can say one thing, I'll probably never buy Amcrest cameras again, I've had nothing but issues with them since new.
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