reddawg wrote: ↑Sun Mar 15, 2020 3:06 am
I remember reading somewhere that Microsoft laid off many of their top engineers in their Windows Update team in 2016 and consolidated all their other support platforms together. So they lost a lot of talented engineers in their Windows Update team, which were replaced by engineers with lesser talent and experience.
It's true. I've done multiple gigs at MS and most of the place is toxic and dysfunctional. I refuse to work there anymore.
I get offers from various teams and departments at MS on a weekly basis and I always turn them down. I could write a book about what's wrong with the place, but suffice it to say the culture is stifling and back-stabbing is endemic. I spent as much time there reporting on what I was doing as I spent doing what I was supposed to be doing, and I've no doubt that all my status reports and weekly roundup and metrics were thrown away as soon as they were received.
The meetings go on and on and on and decisions either never get made or the safest (read: worst) path to completion is the one that's usually picked because no one wants to stick their head up above the wall and take responsibility. The stack ranking system there is ridiculous and forces out people who should be kept.
In stack ranking, if you have a team of 10 people, the bottom two get canned at review time
no matter how good they are. Often the bottom two are better than the higher-ranked suck-ups, who are simply more adept at brown nosing the managers who do the rankings.
My last position there was with the Infrastructure Security Team for Azure Cloud Services. I quit after several months and never looked back. I just walked out one day in disgust. That was several years ago and it was the best decision I ever made. My next job paid nearly twice as much for less work and a far, far better working environment.
So yeah, it comes as no surprise to me that the patches and updates cause as much trouble as whatever it is they purport to fix.
As for me, I'm never going back to Microsoft, never. But I admit I get a lot of pleasure telling them "No" over and over, lol.