Make all cameras behave like one camera

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Joined: Thu Apr 09, 2020 5:40 pm

Make all cameras behave like one camera

Post by flab »

Hi guys, I am new to CCTV and found that Blue Iris is a good match for my needs!

I want all my cameras to record, trigger and alert the same.

I found that I can set "profile 1" to "sync with camera". So I can make all my cameras "profile 1" sync with the correct camera (camera_1).

However, "profile 2" is only possible to "sync with profile".

If I sync "profile 2" with "profile 1", and "profile 1" is "sync with camera_1" will this work?

Any other suggestions on how to make all my cameras act the same regarding record, trigger and alert?
Also out of curiosity, what will happen if I make "camera_1" sync with "camera_2" and I make "camera_2" sync with "camera_1" ? I know this last one is a stupid question but I just saw it was possible.
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