In the web app, the Skip Back and Skip Ahead buttons (which can also be selected through the left arrow/right arrow keys) seem to work as expected when a clip is not playing. However, when a clip is playing, the behavior of these buttons seems almost random. For example, if you press Skip Back when the feature is set at the default value of 15 seconds, sometimes the movie jumps back 4 seconds one time, then 20 seconds another time. Skip Back sometimes even advances the playback head rather than rewinding it.
When viewing a clip, it would be nice if these buttons/keys worked as expected, so you could quickly review the 15 seconds you just watched by pressing the left arrow key, rather than having to first stop the clip, press left arrow, then press play.
Does anybody else observe this behavior in the web app? I'm currently using UI3 version 110, Blue Iris version:
Web app - odd behavior in Skip Back
Re: Web app - odd behavior in Skip Back
Could this be due to the cameras keyframe rate?
When you play a clip backwards 1x in the BI console, does it seem to jump forward a bit, then continue backward, over and over?
When you play a clip backwards 1x in the BI console, does it seem to jump forward a bit, then continue backward, over and over?