A few suggestions on updates and the update UI.

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A few suggestions on updates and the update UI.

Post by Santiago »

Just a few things I'd like to suggest that have caused me confusion when using BI. Overall I love the app and highly recommend it to others. I love it so much I actually bought two copies, one for my home live NVR and another for testing ;)

1. The Update notification window says "would you like to download now" which leads to a download AND install, closing the window without any notification to the user. If you are going to do this the UI should say "would you like to download and install now? (the main window will close)"
2. The update dialog provides no way to know what changes are in the update version nor what version number you are now. It would be helpful to list the current version in that window and provide a link to the online patch notes. This way a user can check the changes to determine if they want to apply the update now or wait.

Main UI:
1. I find the close icon on the top right of the window confusing. I understand what it is but it's using a nonstandard icon scheme such as the close icon being a "power button" icon. I'd suggest using standard windows "windows" controls to avoid confusion. Still I worry that clicking that button might lead to me powering off my PC :)
2. Camera groups. This for me was an absolute struggle to figure out and I still cannot remember how to create camera groups. The path to doing so, and to assign users to groups, is very difficult to navigate. Not only that but I simply cannot find instrucitons that clarify how to make camera groups so you can assign users to certain cameras. It would LOVE to see a simple "create camera group" option and a management window for camera groups that allows you to modify the properties of your groups directly. Group name, member cameras, assigned users, for example. I finally managed to create a camera group and in the main interface there's a gear icon for the group that brings up properties for that group. This would be a perfect place for an + button to create a group. The current properties page could have a assigned users second within it as well as an assigned cameras.

Other than that I love the software. Been running strong with 8 cameras 24/7.
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Re: A few suggestions on updates and the update UI.

Post by MikeBwca »

Ok to post this here, but to make sure BI get it, send the suggestion to BI Support using the button in the BI settings 'About' tab - lower right.
Posts: 3
Joined: Fri Feb 07, 2020 2:10 pm

Re: A few suggestions on updates and the update UI.

Post by Santiago »

KUDOS to the BlueIris team on the new update process! Not sure my post had anything to do with it but I love the new process. Much more informed on when to update and can download only without forcing a restart. Very nice!!
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