Blue Iris 5 - Reloink RLN8-410 NVR: PZT functions not being found for multiple RLC-423 Cameras

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Blue Iris 5 - Reloink RLN8-410 NVR: PZT functions not being found for multiple RLC-423 Cameras

Post by alphaapple »


I recently purchased Blue Iris 5 to work with my Reolink RLN8-410 NVR and four PZT RLC-423 cameras. Blue Iris did not find the cameras automatically when I used the dropdown menu for the Reolink cameras. I had to manually put in the NVR IP address and change the number of the stream to find all of the cameras attached to the NVR.



So I can now see all the video streams of the cameras using this method

The problem that I have is that Blue Iris 5 only finds the PZT settings for 1 of the 4 PZT RLC-423 cameras added to my NVR. I cannot seem to find the correct way to capture PZT control of each added camera? The Find/Inpsect only finds the PZT details for the first camera that I added.

See find/inspect details below and attached images of what I am seeing in blue iris 5 software.

Can anyone help with problem as I really like the blue iris features for control of PZT presets when compared to Reolinks client app.



Opening port 80...
HTTP Get / request...
ONVIF GetSystemDateAndTime
HTTP 404
Opening port 8000...
ONVIF GetSystemDateAndTime
Requesting device information...
Manufacturer: Manufacturer
Model: NVR
FirmwareVersion: V1.0.0.1
Querying services
Has Imaging services: /onvif/imaging_service
Has media services: /onvif/media_service
Has RTP_RTSP_TCP, requesting profiles
first profile is 000
first source is 000
requesting URI for profile 000
RTSP URI: /h264Preview_01_main
Has Event services: /onvif/event_service
Has WSPullPointSupport
Has PTZ service: /onvif/ptz_service
Preset: 000=pos1
Preset: 001=pos2
Preset: 002=pos3
2020-09-26_Network IP Camera PZT Settings.jpg
2020-09-26_Network IP Camera PZT Settings.jpg (118.15 KiB) Viewed 7171 times
2020-09-26_Network IP Camera Config.jpg
2020-09-26_Network IP Camera Config.jpg (130.63 KiB) Viewed 7171 times
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Re: Blue Iris 5 - Reloink RLN8-410 NVR: PZT functions not being found for multiple RLC-423 Cameras

Post by TimG »

The problem that I have is that Blue Iris 5 only finds the PZT settings for 1 of the 4 PZT RLC-423 cameras added to my NVR. I cannot seem to find the correct way to capture PZT control of each added camera?
Can you clone the working camera, and then change the IP address for one of the other three ? Does that work ?
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Re: Blue Iris 5 - Reloink RLN8-410 NVR: PZT functions not being found for multiple RLC-423 Cameras

Post by alphaapple »

TimG wrote: Sat Sep 26, 2020 4:10 pm
The problem that I have is that Blue Iris 5 only finds the PZT settings for 1 of the 4 PZT RLC-423 cameras added to my NVR. I cannot seem to find the correct way to capture PZT control of each added camera?
Can you clone the working camera, and then change the IP address for one of the other three ? Does that work ?


There is only one IP address for the NVR. I can only change the stream address from /h264Preview_01_main to /h264Preview_02_main to obtain the 2nd camera stream.
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Re: Blue Iris 5 - Reloink RLN8-410 NVR: PZT functions not being found for multiple RLC-423 Cameras

Post by TimG »

Ah, sorry, I missed that rather important detail; in that case, I'm surprised even one PTZ is working from BI5 !

I have a feeling that you will need to get BI5 to directly access each camera, rather than go through the NVR.

Since these do appear to be Onvif cameras, can you see in the camera webserver settings or in the NVR settings what the actual individual IP addresses are for each camera ? If so, you should be able to add them directly to BI5, and bypass the NVR - you should then be able to control each camera individually from BI5 - and hopefully still record the video feed in the NVR if you wish to do so.

The only www info I found is here ... -Blue-Iris but your settings look rather similar.

This looks rather familiar :lol: ... tions_not/

Let us know if you can figure out the actual camera IP addresses. I think that will be the way forward.
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Re: Blue Iris 5 - Reloink RLN8-410 NVR: PZT functions not being found for multiple RLC-423 Cameras

Post by alphaapple »


After pulling many teeth from Reolink support. I got the following answer.

"Hello, we have consulted the engineer and found the cause. I am afraid that, for NVR, only Channel 1 supports the PTZ feature on the Blue Iris. Other channels do not support the PTZ feature on Blue Iris. Our engineers would try their best to fix this issue as soon as possible. For now, two quick solutions:1. You may use the PTZ feature on Reolink Client or on the NVR monitor. 2. If you still want to use the feature on Blue Iris, you may power the cameras with a DC 12V, and connect them to the same router as the NVR. Then you can both add them to the NVR, and add them to the Blue Iris(using the camera's own IP address) separately. As independent cameras, the PTZ feature then would be available."

172.16.2X.X camera address inside the dvr does not work with BI 5.

Its not the answer I needed as I like the flexibility of the Blue Iris software. The reolink app does not allow going to presets without having to go 360 degrees before repeating the sequence. So my camera is spending alot of time recording my house wall!.


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Re: Blue Iris 5 - Reloink RLN8-410 NVR: PZT functions not being found for multiple RLC-423 Cameras

Post by TimG »

"Hello, we have consulted the engineer and found the cause. I am afraid that, for NVR, only Channel 1 supports the PTZ feature on the Blue Iris.
Well that makes sense from what you have seen. I would be surprised if they ever fix that, as it doesn't benefit them.
2. If you still want to use the feature on Blue Iris, you may power the cameras with a DC 12V, and connect them to the same router as the NVR. Then you can both add them to the NVR, and add them to the Blue Iris(using the camera's own IP address) separately. As independent cameras, the PTZ feature then would be available."
If I understand that correctly, that sounds like a work around. If the cameras are POE, then you could plug a POE ethernet switch into your router and from what they have said above, plug all of your PTZ cameras into it and use all of the camera PTZ functions with BI5 and the NVR. Worth a try if you have a POE switch to test.

Worst case is if they won't work with standard POE. They do say "DC 12V" which could mean external power supplies to each camera. I would check online if the cameras work with standard POE first.
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Re: Blue Iris 5 - Reloink RLN8-410 NVR: PZT functions not being found for multiple RLC-423 Cameras

Post by alphaapple »


So having a POE switch in between the NVR and the router might allow me to save videos to NVR while allowing camera access to Blue Iris?


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Re: Blue Iris 5 - Reloink RLN8-410 NVR: PZT functions not being found for multiple RLC-423 Cameras

Post by TimG »

Hi Fran,

I can only interpret what they have replied to you, but it looks good to me.

As I understand it, your cameras are probably plugged directly in to the NVR, and your NVR has a separate ethernet connection to the home router. You would plug in a POE ethernet switch to the router on the same LAN, and plug the cameras into that. I would try one first, and get it set up in BI5, then move the others over.

That should allow BI5 to record and control PTZ on each camera. I don't know how the NVR would work with LAN connected cameras, but they do state that this would work with BI5 and the NVR. You might have to add each camera to the NVR with the IP address now used in BI5.

The sticking point may be IP addresses. I don't know if your NVR uses DHCP automatic addressing or assigns static IP addresses for cameras plugged directly into the sockets on it, or even if it uses a totally different range of network addresses to your home LAN (i.e home LAN is 192.168.x.x but all of the cameras are on 10.0.0.x). If the cameras have DHCP addresses, then BI5 would find them, but the camera IP address may change when they are rebooted, so they would need to be made static (Or configured in the router to only use one IP address) or you would "lose" the cameras when power cycled. If the cameras have static IP addresses with the NVR that are on a totally different subnet, then you would have to change each camera individually to the home LAN subnet before you move them from the NVR.

I hope that made sense. If it did, then you can make this work ! It's given me a headache though :mrgreen:

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Re: Blue Iris 5 - Reloink RLN8-410 NVR: PZT functions not being found for multiple RLC-423 Cameras

Post by Garion »


I had similar issues when I wanted to connect Blue Iris across to the Reolink NVR, this was my solution

I added a Netgear GS108LP into the equation, so I didn't need to run lots of cables between garage and the house (you could plug a cable into the NVR and use the 17.16.25 range and then assign an additional IP on a NIC in computer), connected that all into my Lan, and then then plugged each camera into the switch, connect to each of the cameras and assign a new user / pass and a manual IP address.

Then I just added the cameras individually into Blue Iris, it also did pick them up if I did a scan, the Reolink NVR can also pick up the cameras through the management port as well, so you can have BI and Reolink NVR collecting, but I found i was getting stuttering if I was running at 25fps

My setup

2 x Reolink RLC-420-5MP
5 x Reolink RLC-520-5MP
Reolink NVR
Netgear GS108LP
Computer - I9-9900k - 64gb - 8tb local storage
NAS - Synology DS218J - 28tb storage

with all the cameras running I am seeing around 20-30% usage on one CPU core

Hope that all makes some sense, if not let me know
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