I've been running windscribe desktop 1.8x on my same system with the BlueIris security camera software. For a long time this has worked well. Recently I've been updating this system and I'm pretty sure it was a blueiris update causing my problem. I noticed first that Blue Iris would not start, then checking even viewer found it was crashing without much detail. Later on I found a comment for a different problem making me think to try it with the system nic disabled. This allows Blue Iris to start, but I noticed that the nic binding options on "web server" tab only lists one adapter even though I have multiple in my system. To top it off the address that is listed on my physical or vpn adaptors.
I have also been able to identify that this in some way relates to the functional modes in Windscribe. While I have udp mode configured rather than IKEv2, Blue Iris will see a second nic which does have my proper lan address.
I've tried using the windscribe beta app split tunnel options but this didn't help.
I have been able to resolve my issues by rolling back to an older Blue Iris version. Version is the latest I can run without issue. The moment I install or higher the problems return.