blue iris v5 record "cut video when triggered with break time"

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blue iris v5 record "cut video when triggered with break time"

Post by rgj34169 »

blue iris v5 record "cut video when triggered with break time"
I'm trying to setup motion detection. But, my camera keeps recording after trigger.
I would like to know if: in the "Record Tab" I should use the "Cut video when triggered with break time" and how many seconds should I use?
If I only want to record events?


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Re: blue iris v5 record "cut video when triggered with break time"

Post by MikeBwca »

I do not use that open, Which would 'cut' a continuous recording into separate bvr clips. This is the type of recording that NVR's use (I've never like that).

On the Record tab...
- Uncheck 'Cut video when triggered...'.
- Check 'Combine or cut video each:'. Then specify a cut 'hrs'. I use 6. This will cut the continuous recordings at 6am, Noon, 6pm, Midnight. You can use whatever duration you want, but I've found this works for me.
- Specify a 'GB' size to cut. if either 6 hours OR this size is met, the bvr will be cut. Use a size larger than the 6 hour bvr. If the 6 hour bvr is 12Gb, specify 20! That way you won't get an abnormally large bvr is the 6 hour accidently gets changed to 60, or, the bitrate of the cameras is increased.
- Check 'Pre-trigger video buffer', and specify a number of seconds. Start with 3 or 5. This and the 'Make time' setting will allow you to adjust when the trigger will start, and, when the clip list image will appear in the clip list. Confusing... yes. Use these settings and adjust them later.

'Motion sensor' settings...
- Specify a 'Make time' for the motion. This is the time motion must exist before a trigger (plus the other motion sensor settings).
- Selecting 'Highlight' 'Show object rectangles' will make it a bit easier to see when objects are detected and triggered.

- On the Trigger tab, select a 'Break time' amount that exceeds the motion you may get. For example, if someone walks up to your front door that takes 8 seconds, then stands there while waiting (or breaking in), and the Break time is set at 5 seconds, the 'clip' will be cut 5 seconds after they stand there (if there still). The result is that you will not get a 'full' clip of them, and the clip is cut. When they move again a new clip is started. The issue with this is that they may be slightly moving, but the motion detection settings are not sensitive enough to catch it. If these settings are too sensitive, you'll get triggers on a leaf blowing across the area!
You can always go the the 'continuous' recording see see the missing video. But, If your using 'When Triggered', you cannot and the missing video is a mystery.

Increasing the Break time to around 30 seconds will usually get them walking up, ringing/knocking, moving about while you answer the door, and walking away - as long as there is movement within the 30 seconds.

Now, 'Pre-trigger video buffer' and 'Make-time' can work together to get the start of the triggered clip that appears in the clip list, AND, when you click on the clip in the clip list, the playback will start at whatever time you want before the motion was triggered!

For example, I record vehicles passing by. If I do not have a 'Pre-trigger buffer', the motion is triggered when the vehicle is on the far side. We'll use an example of a vehicle moving from right to left. The vehicle will appear on the left side of the video, or, not at all if it's moving fast and the 'Make time' is too large.
What I do is set the Recoding 'Pre-trigger video buffer' to 3 seconds, and 'Make time' to .4 seconds. The result is I get the trigger on the right side of the video with a red rectangle around it - this appears in the clip list. When I play back the video, It starts about 1 - 1.5 seconds before the vehicle appears. Adjusting these settings will adjust when the 'trigger' takes place within the camera. Of course, the other 'motion settings' also come into play here.

The niece thing about Continuous recording, is that the triggered 'clips' are not actually separate clips, but pointers into the continuous bvr recording. Which saves space, and, let you have 100% video. So, even if something was missed, you can go back, search, and view.

I'm sure I've totally muddied the waters with all this. There are so many settings that work together, that it can take some time.
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