Half of my cameras suddenly say "no signal"

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Re: Half of my cameras suddenly say "no signal"

Post by jpauljohnson »

Changed 24 cameras to in-camera motion. Not the answer. CPU down to about 20%. Now showing 4 No signal cameras after reboot.

Any ideas?
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Re: Half of my cameras suddenly say "no signal"

Post by blueirisking »

Hey guysI´m facing the same problem. Is there any solution, or what do you made to fix the bugs.
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Re: Half of my cameras suddenly say "no signal"

Post by rfc805 »

Suddenly have this issue with 5.5.2.x as well.

Specifically my H265 cameras will show loss of signal and stay in no signal. Restarting the camera does not help. I have to completely restart Blue Iris in order to reconnect them. As best I can tell when they disconnect in BI, there is no issue with the cameras - I'm able to pull them up independently without issue. No amount of restart/etc with BI running seems to help, but restarting the service entirely and they open normally when the service starts up.

My H264 cameras do not seem affected by this in any way.
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Re: Half of my cameras suddenly say "no signal"

Post by TimG »

My H264 cameras do not seem affected by this in any way.
Are you using the most basic H265 from the cameras ? Avoid any H265+ or souped up version, as it won't be so compatible with BI5. If not, set one to H264 and see what happens.
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Re: Half of my cameras suddenly say "no signal"

Post by HeneryH »

Didn't read all the posts but... are those experiencing the issue referring to cameras by IP or HostName?

It could be the DNS getting stale.
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Re: Half of my cameras suddenly say "no signal"

Post by YrbkMgr »

When there is a No Signal condition, if restarting cameras from the BI console --> No Joy, my first thoughts are...

1. Close BI Console

2. Log into IP address in browser of any camera showing NS in BI --> signal/no signal from a browser. Signal = BI issue, No Signal = Camera/Connection issue. Assuming browser UI signal success, log out of all cameras from browser.

3. Restart BI Services
BI Restart Services_edit.JPG
BI Restart Services_edit.JPG (90.85 KiB) Viewed 13379 times
4. Restart BI Console: Signal restored after forced restart of service Y/N?

In other words, can you re-establish signal by restarting the service?
Does the BI console Log from the Status window show loss of signal? How many No Signal events in Status window Cameras tab? --> How often is the NS condition occurring?

Is DS running on cameras with NS?
HW Accel on NS cameras?

Make all offending cameras H.264 - we know h264 works, does NS occur if all h264? If NS condition doesn't reappear, change to h265 on ONE of the offending cameras --> NS on that one?

As TimG said, don't use any h264/5 modifiers (H, B, +, etc.), turn off any smart codec or other custom mfr features to assure default communication with BI.

Camera --> Video Tab --> Configure --> Review Streaming Profile path entries. Find/Inspect IP address of offending camera(s)--> same RSTP paths or changed? If changed, accept changes and confirm dialogs through camera restart. NS condition comes back, Y/N.

I'm not saying any or all of the above will yield anything but those are my thoughts in trying to eliminate variables and narrow the focus of troubleshooting.
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Re: Half of my cameras suddenly say "no signal"

Post by rfc805 »

TimG wrote: Sat Nov 13, 2021 7:12 pm
My H264 cameras do not seem affected by this in any way.
Are you using the most basic H265 from the cameras ? Avoid any H265+ or souped up version, as it won't be so compatible with BI5. If not, set one to H264 and see what happens.
I'll be honest and say I'm not the best with video encoding flavors, but as far as i know, bone stock H265 and using Intel HA on the BI server for it.


HeneryH wrote: Sat Nov 13, 2021 7:23 pm Didn't read all the posts but... are those experiencing the issue referring to cameras by IP or HostName?

It could be the DNS getting stale.
Always by IP, and the IPs are static, and reachable from the BI server via a web browser while BI has them as 'no signal'. Again, restarting the BI service recovers it, so wouldn't make much sense if it were any sort of network/protocol related issue vs a BI issue.
YrbkMgr wrote: Sat Nov 13, 2021 7:51 pm When there is a No Signal condition, if restarting cameras from the BI console --> No Joy, my first thoughts are...

1. Close BI Console

2. Log into IP address in browser of any camera showing NS in BI --> signal/no signal from a browser. Signal = BI issue, No Signal = Camera/Connection issue. Assuming browser UI signal success, log out of all cameras from browser.

3. Restart BI Services

BI Restart Services_edit.JPG

4. Restart BI Console: Signal restored after forced restart of service Y/N?

In other words, can you re-establish signal by restarting the service?
Does the BI console Log from the Status window show loss of signal? How many No Signal events in Status window Cameras tab? --> How often is the NS condition occurring?
So up to here is what I already covered, and yes - it requires a restart of the BI service itself to restore communication. The cameras are functioning normally, but BI will refuse to reconnect.

Below I will inline answers
YrbkMgr wrote: Sat Nov 13, 2021 7:51 pm
Is DS running on cameras with NS?
>> Yes, but also the ones not impacted

HW Accel on NS cameras?
>> Yes, Intel HA on all cameras, System is an i7-8700

Make all offending cameras H.264 - we know h264 works, does NS occur if all h264? If NS condition doesn't reappear, change to h265 on ONE of the offending cameras --> NS on that one?
>> This happens about once a week randomly, so tricky to test for in that manner. To me this would be the equivalent of "BI does not work with H265 reliably" - is that true? I feel like up until 5.5 it was stable/reliable. These cameras have been running for quite a while under BI without issue until recently.

As TimG said, don't use any h264/5 modifiers (H, B, +, etc.), turn off any smart codec or other custom mfr features to assure default communication with BI.

Camera --> Video Tab --> Configure --> Review Streaming Profile path entries. Find/Inspect IP address of offending camera(s)--> same RSTP paths or changed? If changed, accept changes and confirm dialogs through camera restart. NS condition comes back, Y/N.

I'm not saying any or all of the above will yield anything but those are my thoughts in trying to eliminate variables and narrow the focus of troubleshooting.
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Re: Half of my cameras suddenly say "no signal"

Post by YrbkMgr »

>> This happens about once a week randomly, so tricky to test for in that manner. To me this would be the equivalent of "BI does not work with H265 reliably" - is that true? I feel like up until 5.5 it was stable/reliable. These cameras have been running for quite a while under BI without issue until recently.
I was only suggesting a test - run it for a while that way on the offending cameras and see if it still happens. Just to help isolate where - does the encoding that we know works... still produce NS? May be a waste of time, but I'd want to know.

Get as generic as possible as a baseline...
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Re: Half of my cameras suddenly say "no signal"

Post by macster2075 »

I too have been having this “No Signal” pop up daily on one or two of my Amcrest 5mp cameras.

It goes offline for a few moments then comes back on.
I cant tell why is doing that.

Has anyone been able to find what’s causing this?
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Re: Half of my cameras suddenly say "no signal"

Post by YrbkMgr »

macster2075 wrote: Fri Feb 11, 2022 4:49 pm I too have been having this “No Signal” pop up daily on one or two of my Amcrest 5mp cameras.

It goes offline for a few moments then comes back on.
I cant tell why is doing that.

Has anyone been able to find what’s causing this?
I also have Amcrest cameras and had the same problem with one of them. I successfully resolved it by confirming that the offending camera was dropping WiFi signal, and I hard wired it with Ethernet. You can firm for yourself by checking the camera Log. I export the log files to TXT and review them in a text editor (notepad++) or spreadsheet.

If you go into the camera firmware via browser log in, go to the setup section -> Information
Amcrest Log Locationd 0.jpg
Amcrest Log Locationd 0.jpg (30.55 KiB) Viewed 11647 times
Here's what mine showed:
Amcrest Log No Signal 1.jpg
Amcrest Log No Signal 1.jpg (164.38 KiB) Viewed 11647 times
The camera's connection to WiFi was unreliable. Armed with that information, I decided to add an access point and connect via Ethernet. Camera -> Access Point -> Switch -> Router. For me, the problem was solved. So take a look at the logs and if that's not the issue, let us know.
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