BI 5.4 built-in DeepStack Integration

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BI 5.4 built-in DeepStack Integration

Post by terk »

I have been running 14 out of 16 cameras through DeepStack integration for the last year using the AI Tools integration without any real issues to almost eliminate false triggers like shadows, bugs, and bushes blowing in the breeze. When I saw 5.4 had built-in integration and would run the DeepStack server automatically and didn't require the AI Tools app I decided to try it out.

I shutdown both DeepStack and AI Tools, upgraded Blue Iris, uninstalled DeepStack 3.4 and installed DeepStack 2021.02.1.

I then setup the global AI settings to use DeepStack at the default settings since it already had the port I had been using previously for DeepStack then I disabled all of the hidden duplicate cameras I'd been using for the AI detection and turned motion detection back on for all of my 14 cameras that where using DeepStack and configured the settings I wanted for each camera like person detection only for most but also cat and dog for a few.

It is all working great and my CPU utilization went from 33-55% to hardly even registering in the BI mobile app now but around 4% in the BI console and RAM went down from 70% to around 24%.

Overall so far I am very pleased, I also manage my parents BI server so I did the same with theirs, although their server is only managing 4 of my old cameras, all 4 are recording 24/7 with AI motion detection on each.
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Re: BI 5.4 built-in DeepStack Integration

Post by raber »

I´m also using AITool with DeepStack and so far it worked. But because AITool is not a windows service I´m always in trouble after restarting the server.

So integrated DeepStack in BlueIris seems to be a good idea. I decided to give it a try. Thanks for the explanation, which helped me a lot.

But how do I dicide which objects should be relevant as a trigger for a specific camera?

Im running BlueIris x64 on Win10Pro and DeepStack 2021.02.1 GPU.
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Re: BI 5.4 built-in DeepStack Integration

Post by TimG »

Interesting stuff. Thanks guys.

Should I... :lol:
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Re: BI 5.4 built-in DeepStack Integration

Post by scoob8000 »

So what am I missing. I installed DS, and set up one camera to use it. I got it to where I can see it analyzing triggered clips, but always comes back with nothing found. Even cranking the confidence way down, the clips still come back and say "nothing found".

Looking thru my alert images, some definitely have people, cars, and dogs in them.

Edit: I had face detection on, but no faces set up. I turned off facial recognition and it seems to be working now.

Another question though. I have my triggers set to pre-trigger video buffer of 2s. Does that affect the alert image that DS uses?
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Re: BI 5.4 built-in DeepStack Integration

Post by TimG »

OK, I am testing it with my second BI5 licence on my main server. The first thing Deepstack did upon starting was crash the pc. Ho hum. This server also runs Homeseer/Nodered/DeConz/Emby/DvbViewer etc, so that wasn't funny :(

It is now running with two of my cameras, and it is showing Deepstack percentages on the Alert images. Testing time 8-)
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Re: BI 5.4 built-in DeepStack Integration

Post by TimG »

I am now able to compare two running BI5 systems showing the same cameras. Where I can see the original system triggering on shadows from trees, the DS BI5 does not. What I do have, is two cars on my drive, so every DS trigger includes car:50+%. I think you could mask those with AI tools, but not with the integrated DS. Is that correct ?

I can't find any settings for DS; were these only in the AI tools before ?

It does put a noticeable delay on the video start compared to the original systems video, and does miss some real triggers. Much more tweaking required before I can replace my main BI5 with this. Lets hope we get more settings to play with :o

I've just had a 57% person detection in my back garden, and I can see it was tree shadows :(
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Re: BI 5.4 built-in DeepStack Integration

Post by Matts1984 »

Thanks for that Tim! I had never delved into DS before but now with the integration component it too seems interesting. Although I've had a lot of issues accessing the DS site (I assume the extra foot traffic on the site?) I did download and install it on my main system - though I haven't configured anything yet. Without getting into it yet, based on what I had seen elsewhere I was also wondering about the configuration part if we're now dropping the AI Tools component. The 5.4.1.x update I think indicates Ken is adding it in.

Because of where I live and the angle of my cameras I really don't get false positives with the exception of occasional partly cloudy days with the sun coming and going. I'd like to see the %'s and all but really if I can use some AI to get rid of the sun alerts, I'd be happy.
Blue Iris 5.9.9.x | Server 2025 VM | Xeon E5-2660 v3 @ 2.60GHz - 32 Cores | 48GB RAM | 8TB RAID | Sophos UTM WAF | Mostly various SV3C Cameras
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Re: BI 5.4 built-in DeepStack Integration

Post by TimG »

Mid afternoon is worst for my back garden camera with false triggers due to the sun shining through the neighbours trees casting moving shadows, and it is 13:43 here in the UK. This was always going to be the biggest test for me. DS is happily approving these false triggers and is 60% certain these shadows are a person :? Checking with the standard BI5 - BI5 with DS has MORE false triggers than the BI5 without DS.

The only settings I have found are per camera: Trigger/Artificial Intelligence/ where I removed "boat", but added "cat and "dog".

My biggest concern is my remote access to the BI5 pc running DS. I use Splashtop to remotely work on it. For the second time since I installed DS, Splashtop is giving me a black screen for this pc. BI5, Homeseer etc are working over the network, but I can't see what is happening. OK, visit to the garage - screen will not start. I'm running the cpu version of DS, so didn't expect any issues with this.

DS is getting worse. With high wind, we are getting fast moving clouds, and dark/light transitions. With my front drive camera, DS tells me this is 85% certain to be a car (I do have two static cars directly in front of this camera). No people moving, just two static cars :cry:

Time to pull the plug on this test. Anything that blanks out my main server display is getting turned off.
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Re: BI 5.4 built-in DeepStack Integration

Post by Matts1984 »

Man very disappointing to hear. Overall I don't really have issues presently so I'll probably stop where I am, sit back, and watch over time.
Blue Iris 5.9.9.x | Server 2025 VM | Xeon E5-2660 v3 @ 2.60GHz - 32 Cores | 48GB RAM | 8TB RAID | Sophos UTM WAF | Mostly various SV3C Cameras
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Re: BI 5.4 built-in DeepStack Integration

Post by terk »

DeepStack is analyzing static pictures not a video stream so it doesn't know what originated the motion, if you have it set to person, car then it will alert whenever there is a person or a car in any image it is presented with wheather that car was parked or not. I have also noticed this on cameras set to people only, when the motion was triggered due to shadows (I have a motion detection zone keeping it from watching the road) but if a person is in view of the camera when DeepStack analyzes the image it will alert, this is the one area where the AI Tools was nice as it had mask settings per camera so you could tell it to exclude parts of the picture it recieves there as well. I have found the DeepStack integration with BI 5.4 to be as good as the DeepStack integration with AI Tools was with the exception of the inability to mask the images. Of course I've only been running it the last few days here and I was running Ai Tools for about a year. Both have been far supperior to without DeepStack for filtering shadows. I have noticed a huge reduction in CPU usage after the DeepStack direct integration but I'm not positive if it's that or that I updated DeepStack from 3.4 to 2021.02.1 at the same time.

All things being equal in the motion settings I don't think DeepStack could give more false alerts than without DeepStack since without DeepStack it would alert on all motion and DeepStack is only activated on motion so at most it would be the same number of false alerts. DeepStack will occasionally cause a real motion event not to be alerted on but that seems to be pretty rare during the day at least. At night it seems much less sensitive, but I have mine say Motion detected on the Driveway or wherever to us when there is motion at night on any of the cameras via virtual motion detectors in Hubitat and TTS on Hubitat so I'd rather error on the side of sleep since I have it recording 24/7 anyway.

I use OpenVPN for remote access so I've never tried Splashtop, I use RDP when I need to get directly to my server.
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