Crashing from larger single camera to smaller multiple cameras.

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Crashing from larger single camera to smaller multiple cameras.

Post by josephchrzempiec »

Hello i bought the new blueiris 5. My specs are i5 2600 with 8GB of memory. 128GB SSD Just for the OS with windows 10 pro. And 2 of the 4TB 7200RPM drives for the video recordings. I added 5 cameras so far. When i added the 6th and 7th camera no problem. But if i click on any of the cameras to make them larger that is fine. However when i click on the mgain to make them smaller to see all the cameras blueiris crashes on me. I'm not sure what to do. I have tried and look up this problem and found some people but not a clear way to fix this problem. Can someone please help me out with this problem?

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