Neub with trouble getting Ezviz camera running

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Re: Neub with trouble getting Ezviz camera running

Post by TimG »

Hi Rob,

At first glance it looks OK. Thoughts:

1. The 2MP is slightly more sensitive in the dark, but you would probably have to try them side by side to see the difference.
2. They state Dahua, but then say to use their firmware. In case you are not aware, Dahua make cameras for their internal market (Chinese firmware), and cameras for the international market (Other languages). The Chinese cameras can be much cheaper, but do not work with the International firmware. Some companies will sell you Chinese cameras with hacked firmware. If you try to upgrade the firmware with the international version you brick the camera. In this case it does state it is the international version = OK.
3. 8MP will mean big hard drives required compared to 2MP. Not a problem, just an observation. You could reduce the resolution in the camera settings if this becomes a problem.
4. One of the comments states NOT POE. Seems odd as it's in the title. Can you can get one to test ?

Conclusion - Buy one and let us know what you think !

When you get a Dahua camera, it comes with a static IP address set to I just alter the pc I am using to something like and then log in to the camera to do setup and to change the static (Not DHCP) IP to my normal range. Since you will be adding more cameras, write down the new IP and password for each camera. If you don't do this, all of your Dahua cameras will have the same default address which will not work. When you have set it up in BI5, all you need to do to add another Dahua camera is to copy the first one and change the IP address and password.
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Re: Neub with trouble getting Ezviz camera running

Post by Rob »

@Tim: I ordered the 2 cameras above. This one came in 1st. ... UTF8&psc=1

Edit: OK, I'm working in a zone of ignorance and not understanding. Logging into my router, the camera IP is:
IPv4 Address / Name / IPCAM-93A3C7-MSF50-5MP_V0

Going to BI add a camera, I set the path to run a search and no camera is found. What next?
How do I determine what port the camera is on? It looks like BI only searches the port specified in the camera configuration screen.

Also, how do I find a device IP address (camera in this case) if it isn't the DHCP address?
Last edited by Rob on Tue Apr 20, 2021 1:54 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Neub with trouble getting Ezviz camera running

Post by falccc »

Rob wrote: Fri Apr 16, 2021 12:54 pm I followed the link and tried setting up the program. It is the Ezviz desktop program which looks for an EZviz NVR. It doesn't recognize cameras plugged into a POE switch (at least not without the NVR). You can have multiple NVRs.
EZViz studio doesn't need an NVR to be present. I don't have an NVR, I only had a couple of EZviz camera's that had been joined to the Wifi network using the Ezviz ios app. Once they are on the network you can get to them as per the guide I wrote.

Do you know the IP addresses of the cameras? Do you know the verification code for each of them?
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Re: Neub with trouble getting Ezviz camera running

Post by Rob »

falccc wrote: Mon Apr 19, 2021 11:34 pm
Rob wrote: Fri Apr 16, 2021 12:54 pm I followed the link and tried setting up the program. It is the Ezviz desktop program which looks for an EZviz NVR. It doesn't recognize cameras plugged into a POE switch (at least not without the NVR). You can have multiple NVRs.
EZViz studio doesn't need an NVR to be present. I don't have an NVR, I only had a couple of EZviz camera's that had been joined to the Wifi network using the Ezviz ios app. Once they are on the network you can get to them as per the guide I wrote.

Do you know the IP addresses of the cameras? Do you know the verification code for each of them?
The EZviz doesn't show in the router list of addresses. The tag on the camera itself has:
Model CS-C3U-22ER
SN 63358151

I don't see any useful information on the NVR. There is a model number, serial number and the same CAN ICES-xxx that is on the camera.
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Re: Neub with trouble getting Ezviz camera running

Post by Rob »

I'm beginning to understand and am thinking that my computer's IP range is above the initially required by the camera. I've found documentation where the original camera login is


I'll figure out how to increase the IP range of the computer then see whether BI will recognize the camera. What about port setting? Will BI search all ports if the camera IP & logon is correct?
If not, how do I find what port the camera is using?
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Re: Neub with trouble getting Ezviz camera running

Post by TimG »

Hi Rob,

The 108 address is only applicable to Dahua cameras. Dahua instructions:

If the Dahua cam is new it will usually have the default IP address If you had connected it to a Dahua NVR it would probably sort things out for you, but you need to take a few steps for BI5:

1. You do need to know the IP address range used by your router. If you look in BI5 settings/Web Server/Local LAN access, what do you see there ? That will be your BI5 pc IP address, but will show the range. If it is already then you should be able to see the camera at with a browser. If not then
2. Do you have another pc to use ? With Win10 I go to Network Internet Access/ Open Network and Internet Settings, and "Change adapter options". That should show your network card. Right click on it and select Properties. Double click on "Internet Protocol Version 4". It is probably set to DHCP (Automatically gets an IP address from your router), but it may be set to a specific address in "Use the following IP address". This is the Static IP address. If you set that to and OK it, that will become the address of your pc.
3. Now your pc is in the same range as the new Dahua camera. Make sure you only have one new Dahua camera attached, as they all have the same default IP address.
4. You should now be able to go to in a browser and see the camera. You need to follow the initialisation procedure to give the camera a password (This should be in the camera instructions), and then change the camera IP address to a static value somewhere in your normal range i.e. If your BI5 pc was you could make the camera Write this info down. When you press OK, the camera will save the settings and reboot. It will reboot onto your chosen network range, so put your pc back (step 2 above) to DHCP or the original IP address.
5. If you have more than one new Dahua camera, then add them one at a time, but hold off resetting your pc back to DHCP until you have updated each camera. Different password for each.

If you have a different manufacturers camera then then the default IP will be different, or may even be DHCP. You will have to check the instructions, and cherry pick the info above. You do need to set the cameras to a static IP (Or reserve an IP from the router), else every time you reboot, your cameras may get a new DHCP address and disappear from Blue Iris :shock:

That really looks more complicated than it is :?
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Re: Neub with trouble getting Ezviz camera running

Post by Rob »

Thanks for your help. I think I'm beginning to understand.

Cameras come with a default IP address.
DHCP assigns something else so BI can't communicate with them.

The process is to go into the router and manually change IP assignment for the camera from the DHCP assigned address to the default address (.108 in this case) and make it static instead of DHCP.

Then go into BI and set up (ie add) the camera. Once the camera is running in BI, change it to an IP other than the default because the default will/may be needed when adding another camera.

I'll figure out how to do that. Right now, the camera changes from "on" to "off" when I assign the .108 address. It then changes back to the .216 address.

Also, my DHCP address range is to I'm assuming because the camera's .108 address is within that range. I don't necessarily have to assign the .200 address to the computer.
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Re: Neub with trouble getting Ezviz camera running

Post by TimG »

Quite a list :lol:
Cameras come with a default IP address.
Some cameras will be automatically allocated an address by the router (DHCP), some like the Dahua will have a default manual static IP address. If static, it depends on the manufacturer, but Dahua uses It is set up within the camera to be DHCP or static IP.
DHCP assigns something else so BI can't communicate with them.
Only if the camera doesn't have a static IP address.
The process is to go into the router and manually change IP assignment for the camera from the DHCP assigned address to the default address (.108 in this case) and make it static instead of DHCP.
If the camera is DHCP you need to change it to a static IP address, else BI5 will lose it on a camera reboot. If the camera has a static OR DHCP IP address, it will be set in the camera menu's (not the router). Dahua is like this. I change the IP address at the camera itself (camera initially has a menu at .108 but if you changed it to .50 it will reappear there). Some users will go to the router to set up a static address from there but I don't use that method. There is no need to set a Dahua camera to .108 as it already has that default address from the factory. You will need to change it if you have more than one Dahua, as the next camera will also be at the default .108 so they simply won't both work.
Then go into BI and set up (ie add) the camera. Once the camera is running in BI, change it to an IP other than the default because the default will/may be needed when adding another camera.
You need to have set up the new static IP address in the camera first. Then you use that address in BI5 and it doesn't change. With the Dahua cam, it will have run you through the initialisation process (at .50 if you put it there) so you now have a user/pw for this cam. This is the IP and user/pw to use in BI5.
Also, my DHCP address range is to I'm assuming because the camera's .108 address is within that range. I don't necessarily have to assign the .200 address to the computer. to is also called the "DHCP window". This is the range of addresses your router can automatically hand out as DHCP addresses. You are correct that you don't need to change your computer network address to .200 as it is already in the same 192.168.1 range. The router can see anything from to
Don't put your static IP addresses in this DHCP range. The router itself may be OR so don't use them either. That *should* give you a safe range for your static IP's of to ! The Dahua cam will by default be at so you WILL be able to see the menu there after powering it up on your network (UNLESS your router has already allocated it as a DHCP address for another device - unlikely unless you have 50 wifi devices). Go into the cam menu at that address and initialise the camera. Write down the user/pw and set the IP to something like Note that you cannot leave the Dahua cam at .108 as it is within your DHCP window ! Personally since I only have a few wifi devices, I reduced the DHCP window to only allow 20 DHCP devices.
Going to BI add a camera, I set the path to run a search and no camera is found. What next?
Now that we know your network is 192.168.1 you should be able to put the address into a browser and see the menu on this camera. You do need to look how to change the IP address, as 216 could be DHCP, although unlikely as it is so high. Set it as static in the range to If you can't find the camera there, you may look back at your router menu to see if it has changed (so it WAS DHCP), or you can run software like Onvif Manager to find it. BI should be OK to find it with the correct IP address and the user/pw.
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Re: Neub with trouble getting Ezviz camera running

Post by Rob »

Thanks for the help. I can access both cameras that I recently bought from my laptop but not form the desktop that's running BI and has the cameras connected. I think the IP allocation is wrong for the desktop. I've only had one connected at a time.

One camera is at 192...216 and the other is 192.....108 so the 1st must still be on the IP that I changed. Everything is showing as DCHP allocated. I'll disconnect the devices and reboot the router and start again this weekend.

I'll initiate the cameras once I can set the IPs to static and access them from the desktop. Like you said, it isn't as complicated as it seems (once it's understood).

Wil report back in case this helps someone else.
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Re: Neub with trouble getting Ezviz camera running

Post by Rob »

I can access a camera only when the computer (desktop in this case) is on Wifi and the camera is plugged into the ethernet.

This is true for 2 laptops as well. I don't have BI5 installed on the laptop but can log into the camera from any browser so long as the machine is on wifi. Once any of the computers are on ethernet, the camera becomes inaccesible via BI5, browser IP or regular command line ping. I tried disabling the firewall in case that was the problem and it didn't change anything.

Any ideas?

Also, I'm going to do some more configuring then take the system out to the country and install it.
What app do you like (droid in my case). There were several in the app store.
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