With this and in app AI it's damn near the perfect system now (AITool functionality is great, but Blue Iris's DeepStack integration is a little less cumbersome).Triggered + continuous. When used with a dual-streaming camera along with direct-
to-disc, the result is a BVR file which will contain the sub-stream continuously
recorded, but the main-stream only recorded when the camera is in a triggered state.
Finally I can do away with having second copies of cameras cluttering up BI (yes, I know I can hide them in some views, but having to configure the options on the substream clone and then the mainstream is sub-optimal...)
HOWEVER, one issue when using Triggered + Continuous - I know longer have the high resolution pre-trigger. Yes, I now have a beautiful timeline that I can scrub along and get high-res when there's a trigger, but the high-res doesn't start till after the motion is detected. As per the manual:
If pre-trigger can be enabled with the "Triggered + continuous" recording mode, then I think I'll have my ideal set up.The pre-trigger video buffer applies only to when triggered recording.