Deepstack and static objects

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Deepstack and static objects

Post by bluenoob »

I need some help. I've now got DS working with BI and the analysis and findings are perfect.

However, one camera that is looking at the street, keeps triggering on parked cars and trucks. The colored box around these items are all yellow (where I believe orange would mean this is a static item). I'm not sure what is the problem. I have BI send me a text with the triggered image, and I'm getting hundreds of texts showing a yellow box around the parked car.

Under Trigger > Artificial Intelligence I have "Detect/ignore static objects" checked.

Not sure what to set / try / adjust

Ideas? Help?
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Re: Deepstack and static objects

Post by SolarEclipse »

I get that too.
I have noticed that something else, such as wind blowing tree limbs, will set off the "motion" for BlueIris. It then hands off to DeepStack and it doesn't see anything but points out our cars (which haven't moved for hours or even days) in the driveway and declares "cars".
So my guess is that the static objects feature isn't fully baked.
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Re: Deepstack and static objects

Post by MikeBwca »

BI changed the way DS sees static images while ago. BI/DS now checks for static images more frequently. Not really sure the details.

SolorExclipe is correct. You may be able to mask out the moving parts ro reduce false triggers.
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Re: Deepstack and static objects

Post by MikeBwca »

This has been improved with the 5.4.9 update...

5.4.9 - June 25, 2021
Improved handing of DeepStack static objects and objects outside of detected motion areas.
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