I've seen several related posts, but nothing that seems quite the same. I've tried a couple suggestions for other BI app issues...no joy.
I've purchased and installed the BI App on my Samsung mobile phone. I was able to successfully set up port forwarding through my AT&T Arris router and I can log in remotely without problems. (At first, it kicked me off after a few seconds, but it now seems very stable.) Once connected, I can easily see my alerts, camera status, and so forth. All seemed great.
However, neither live nor recorded video play. I get the little "loading circle" running forever when I select a camera from my list. If I try to view a saved clip from an alert, the playback screen comes up black. I don't get the circle, but I also don't get any progress or picture. I can even advance in the video dragging the progress bar at the bottom, but the screen stays black. A couple clues: the camera previews don't appear when I list my camera. That area is just blank. When I look at my clips on the alerts, each alert has just the color bar test pattern image at the left. All other details, such as date, time, and duration, are perfect.
At this point, I don't really have any idea of what direction to take. Perhaps my router won't pass the video? Maybe my phone can't render the video? Maybe the BI service on my host PC isn't trying to send the video? I'm just stuck. Everything works great if I'm connected to my LAN, but not from outside the network.
Any suggestions or questions are greatly appreciated.
Android BI App Works Perfectly...but no video
Re: Android BI App Works Perfectly...but no video
Hi, are you saying that you can view video and recordings with the BI Android app if you are on your LAN ? That must rule out your phone being the issue. And remotely you can see the BI5 server, just not the video. So WAN IP address and port is OK too.Everything works great if I'm connected to my LAN, but not from outside the network.
Do you have a very slow upload speed ? I'm wondering if there is some restriction here.
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Re: Android BI App Works Perfectly...but no video
Yes, the phone will display video when it is connected to my wifi LAN within the house. When I switch it to 5G LTE, the app works just as before but I have no video.
You are correct in that this suggests that it is not a problem with my phone rendering the video. However, my signal strength and download speed are pretty good on the 5G LTE network and there are no caps on the bandwidth. (Watching movies on Netflix works just fine at any quality available.) Furthermore, not even the still images (preview images) of the cameras or clips are displayed on the phone. The list of clips shows the color bar for the camera at the left side of the screen and the clip details at the right side. In between is just a blank space...no preview. No image or preview for live cameras, either.
I assume that the sub streams would be used and I know they do not require much bandwidth. Perhaps I need to set my camera and BI so there is a certain type of sub stream available?
You are correct in that this suggests that it is not a problem with my phone rendering the video. However, my signal strength and download speed are pretty good on the 5G LTE network and there are no caps on the bandwidth. (Watching movies on Netflix works just fine at any quality available.) Furthermore, not even the still images (preview images) of the cameras or clips are displayed on the phone. The list of clips shows the color bar for the camera at the left side of the screen and the clip details at the right side. In between is just a blank space...no preview. No image or preview for live cameras, either.
I assume that the sub streams would be used and I know they do not require much bandwidth. Perhaps I need to set my camera and BI so there is a certain type of sub stream available?