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Re: Migrated BI to new Server but license?
Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2024 12:23 pm
by Pogo
I think 'insane' is the more operative point. It's barely even a navigable site anymore.
It's a shame, really. Aside from the resident vultures, parrots, and cut and paste crowd, there are (and were) some good folks over there who have shared an enormous amount of knowledge and experience..., which is now nearly impossible to find without bringing your lunch and a few beers for the amount of time it takes to even find the results of a Google search.
What's almost as bad is what was lost here.
Re: Migrated BI to new Server but license?
Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2024 6:01 pm
by TimG
Yes, but look at the good news !
We are here
Re: Migrated BI to new Server but license?
Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2024 7:05 pm
by Pogo
Indeed..., as is the Help File!
So back on the subject, (albeit a slight sidestep), I'm trying to install the same BI version as my production box on another box as a temporary hardware testing platform knowing I'll be relegated to evaluation mode.
Two questions: Are there actual feature limitations in eval mode such as no direct-to-disk (among other minor annoyances)? I've read mixed and not very definitive information about that. Perhaps there are restrictions on earlier demo versions that don't apply to newer ones? Since hardware testing is the purpose and will involve gauging CPU/GPU performance under different conditions, not having having d-to-d functionality would obviously render the whole thing a waste of time.
And does anyone have an answer for BI telling me; 'This app can't run on your PC. To find a version for your PC, check with the software publisher'. I've been searching for an explanation all morning and coming up with nothing substantive, let alone definitive. I'm leaning toward not having an acceptable installer for the version involved, but not sure how to go about determining how or where to locate same. I tried the one from my existing setup, but it just loaded my original version which would be fine if I were 'migrating' with a license and could just upgrade to the latest allowable version as suggested method earlier in the thread. Not an option in demo mode, so I need to load the desired version from the git go. But it isn't cooperating.
I'm a bit stumped and actually surprised this isn't a more prevalent issue considering the sheer numbers of version rollbacks and upgrades every day.
Or maybe my new box knows I'm going to be testing some 4K Reolinks and just doesn't want any part of it! LOL
Edit: Took a chance and just transfered my existing BI5 directory in its entirety and installed on the new box that way -- holding breath it would simply provide the option for a clean eval install and not move any registry stuff that may otherwise cause a licensing conflict/hassle and possibly hose up my main server with the Evaluation overlays and whatever else as a result. Fortunately it worked as hoped and I'm good to go.
Re: Migrated BI to new Server but license?
Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2024 4:35 am
by IAmATeaf
As I’ve mentioned before, in my opinion the management of the licensing model is all screwed up.
It would would take little to no effort to have all the major stable releases available on the BI website so that users are able to download their required version instead of trying to locate a version on the internet or being told by support to pay for support and just install the latest version!
Another way that this could easily be resolved is within the app itself, instead of greying everything out allow the user to select a previous version to download and install. In fact that fact that this exists in the app must mean that the versions and their update release info is being maintained somewhere on the backend website so all they need to do is publish that as a webpage.
Re: Migrated BI to new Server but license?
Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2024 1:48 pm
by HeneryH
Subscription is the way of the future for companies. They can't financially survive on one-time purchases.
Re: Migrated BI to new Server but license?
Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2024 2:29 pm
by Homer81
I was running, if I get an active support license, can I upgrade to the latest from BI or only within the 5.3 release track?
Re: Migrated BI to new Server but license?
Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2024 2:32 pm
by TimG
As I understand it, it gives you 12 months of new V5+ releases.
Re: Migrated BI to new Server but license?
Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2024 2:33 pm
by TimG
In fact I think you can still update a V4 licence that way, so yes, it should give you the latest versions.
Re: Migrated BI to new Server but license?
Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2024 5:22 am
by Homer81
The "not a license" license that I got with my maintenance worked just fine and upgraded to 5.8.x.y
Thanks for the help
Re: Migrated BI to new Server but license?
Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2024 7:14 am
by TimG
Excellent. Thank you for letting us know.