I ran into issues with Reolink cameras where it was not clear whether the problem was the camera or Blue Iris. VLC (
https://www.videolan.org/) is a cross-platform Media Player that can open a network stream independent of Blue Iris. To figure out the syntax, you first need to determine if Blue Iris is using RTSP or RTMP - that information is available on the Blue Iris Video tab/Configure, usually in the Model field. You will also need the Stream profile information for the Main and Sub streams.
After opening VLC, click on Media -> Open Network Stream. For RTSP, the Network URL for my Reolink was
rtsp://<camera IP>/<stream profile> using the profile for the Main or Sub stream. VLC will prompt for your camera username/password. For RTMP, the Network URL for my camera was
rtmp://<camera IP>/<stream profile> (again, using the profile for the Main or Sub stream). The camera username/password was part of the RTMP stream profile. It may take a while to research network settings for your camera to get the right VLC Network URL syntax. You can run VLC on your Blue Iris computer (in parallel with watching the Blue Iris live view) or another computer to narrow down if the problem is the Blue Iris computer itself.
In my case, I had configured a substream in Blue Iris. A Reolink firmware upgrade affecting RTSP caused the main stream to 'fall behind' the substream by as much as 23 seconds. Blue Iris uses the substream to detect motion but Blue Iris AI uses the main stream for alerts - the AI claimed there was nothing to detect. While waiting for updated firmware, I found out that switching the camera and Blue Iris to RTMP fixed the missing alerts and got rid of intermittent 'choppy' video.