Seeking Assistance with Eliminating False Positives in Motion Detection

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Re: Seeking Assistance with Eliminating False Positives in Motion Detection

Post by Pogo »

Thank you. Fortunately the firewood is at the end of the driveway and already split.

Another way to check for the clone alerts is check the clips with All Clips. Any clone clips should be there as .jpegs.
Last edited by Pogo on Fri Jan 12, 2024 7:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Seeking Assistance with Eliminating False Positives in Motion Detection

Post by Pogo »

I don't see the verticle trip wire zone in your video.
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Re: Seeking Assistance with Eliminating False Positives in Motion Detection

Post by Sardon »

It's there 2:17
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Re: Seeking Assistance with Eliminating False Positives in Motion Detection

Post by Pogo »

So I just reviewed the video and couldn't gather a whole lot from it except noticing a few unnecessary settings and a number of missing steps which I assume were indeed taken to get as far as seemed to be indicated. It buzzed by rather quickly for sure!

I just now created a clone of another of my cameras and experienced zero problems using the methods I've tried to convey here. Tested perfectly and the snapshots appear in the clips list as intended. The clone appears in the Status window as expected. All works as configured.

A step I forgot to include was Record needed to be set up before access to the zone editing function becomes active, but noticed you seemed to have figured it out.

A couple of suggestions over morning tea, a stiff Screwdriver, a couple of Bloody Marys...., maybe even some good ol' black coffee? Check the clone Status in the Status window for activity along with checking the Clips list for snapshots. Do an actual test of the alert to your phone to see how that goes. And understand that the only image you should see is a snapshot, not a video. Set a pre-trigger record time of 2 seconds. This should capture an image before the trigger actually occurs. I've never had mine set any other way so can't comment on other settings.

Try to record motion with the trigger settings for the alert. Just activate it in the Record section. If that works, so should the basic jpeg alerts.

To close for now, I'm a pretty early riser and will check back first thing tomorrow morning. A major storm is upon us and I have nothing planned except a warm fire and to help figure out why we can't get your balcony clone setup working properly..., but we will!

If you happen to get started early and still no joy, delete the clone and start again from scratch with the provided examples. They work.

I'll also give your video another look or three to see if I missed anything obvious that may be causing issues. I did notice some unnecessary checks here and there....

But major progresss was made nonetheless! Congratulations on hanging right in there!
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Re: Seeking Assistance with Eliminating False Positives in Motion Detection

Post by Pogo »

At least I've had a nice warm fire going all day. ;)
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Re: Seeking Assistance with Eliminating False Positives in Motion Detection

Post by Sardon »

Hi Pogo,

Firstly, I apologise for my recent absence – I had to handle an unexpected emergency therefore had to leave home. I followed your advice upon my return, deleting the clone and setting it up anew, but I'm still facing the same issue: no alerts are triggered when crossing that bloody line. I'm at a bit of a loss as to what to try next.

I'm considering leaving my system as it is. Although it captures everything, which is ideal, it's disappointing that I can't seem to avoid the false alarms caused by changing lighting conditions. It's a perplexing situation, especially since the trip wire zone isn't functioning as expected. It's frustrating that something seemingly so simple is proving to be so elusive.

Your help, as well as TimG's, has been invaluable, and I truly appreciate it. At this point, I might give CPAI another go, keeping the existing zone in place, although my previous attempts haven't been successful either.

However, I'm leaning towards accepting the status quo and leaving my system as it is, even if it means dealing with numerous false alerts on overcast days. It seems I'm caught between a rock and a hard place, unsure of the best way forward.

To be honest, I don't really want to give up considering the amount of time we have all invested in this thread, however, more importantly, I don't want to waste anybody's time!

This issue is literally causing me to go insane :?

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Re: Seeking Assistance with Eliminating False Positives in Motion Detection

Post by Pogo »

No worries and I hope the emergency was abe to be effectively managed.

I sympathize with your frustration by our effort thus far and can relate..., as most of us can who face the various challenges occasionally presented by Blue Iris.

As for returning to the status quo setup you've been running, there's no need at all to abandon it. Quite the contrary. The clone camera can still remain until the issue gets resolved at your own pace. Again, something very simple is being overlooked. The method will function as intended when that piece of the puzzle is identified. Methodical troubleshooting will eventually prevail. Your already demonstrated perserverance all but assures it!

Don't give up. We will figure it out.

All the above stated, I would suggest leaving a renewed CPAI effort for another day. It will be a much easier process to understand and implement effectively once you have successfully conquered the current challenge.
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Re: Seeking Assistance with Eliminating False Positives in Motion Detection

Post by TimG »

Sardon, Pogo's lines clearly work for him, but yours doesn't. How small did you try the 'Make time' ? Did you try 0.1 seconds ?
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Re: Seeking Assistance with Eliminating False Positives in Motion Detection

Post by Pogo »

FWIW, my 'Make Time' is 0.5.

But that does raise in interesting point. I'm also using a 2MP stream from a camera 150 feet away from the actual trigger zone which is the size of a car at that distance. How relevant that perspective may be compared to a hi-res camera 5 feet away from a comparitively small (almost invisible) zone relative to the likely object motion necessary for trigger activation is certainly an area for consideration. Motion Sensitivity settings (Object Size and Contrast) would certainly be an area worthy of experimentation considering the significant differences between my particular implementation of the method compared to the conditions being discussed here.
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Re: Seeking Assistance with Eliminating False Positives in Motion Detection

Post by Sardon »

TimG wrote: Mon Jan 15, 2024 7:27 pm Sardon, Pogo's lines clearly work for him, but yours doesn't. How small did you try the 'Make time' ? Did you try 0.1 seconds ?
No I have not altered any settings. I can certainly give it a try
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